foldseek easy-search afdb_swissprot_raw_fcz.tar afdb_swissprot_raw_fcz.tar result.m8 tmp --input-format 5 --threads 4 -s 9.0 --exhaustive-search --max-seqs 10000 --cov-mode 0 --format-mode 4 --format-output query,target,fident,nident,alnlen,mismatch,gapopen,qstart,qend,tstart,tend,evalue,bits,cigar,qcov,tcov,lddt,rmsd,alntmscore,qtmscore,ttmscore
foldseek easy-search afdb_swissprot_raw_fcz.tar afdb_swissprot_raw_fcz.tar result.m8 tmp --input-format 5 --threads 4 -s 1.0 --cov-mode 0 --format-mode 4 --format-output query,target,fident,nident,alnlen,mismatch,gapopen,qstart,qend,tstart,tend,evalue,bits,cigar,qcov,tcov,lddt,rmsd,alntmscore,qtmscore,ttmscore
- extract pLDDT:
bin/foldcomp extract --plddt -t 4 data/swissprot/foldcomp/afdb_swissprot_v4/afdb_swissprot_v4
- sequences entered after 2024:
(reviewed:false) AND (date_created:[2024-01-01 TO 2024-06-04])
-> 9,933,238 proteins - UniRef50 sequences last updated after 2024:
(created:[2024-01-01 TO 2024-06-04]) AND (identity:0.5)
-> 20,845,580 clusters - run
- run
-> 2,276,776 clusters - remove UniParc entries -> 1,611,802 clusters
- remove sequences with non-terminal residues and fragments -> 1,448,114 clusters - 1,780,288 proteins
- remove duplicate sequences -> 1,773,081 proteins
- dataset 1 (filter by cluster size and organism size):
- remove clusters that have less then 3 members -> 57,558 clusters - 271,234 proteins
- remove clusters that have less then 2 different species types -> 12,120 clusters - 52,303 proteins
- dataset 2 (Protein exists):
- Filter for Protein Existance sequence:
- "Evidence at protein level": 1
- "Evidence at transcript level": 2
- 326 proteins
- Filter for Protein Existance sequence:
:- parses JSON file from UniProt query:
(date_created:[2024-01-01 TO 2024-06-04]) AND (reviewed:false)
- extracts columns:
- uid (str)
- taxon_id (int)
- protein_existance (int)
- fragment (bool)
- non_terminal (bool)
- seq (str)
- parses JSON file from UniProt query:
:- Create a set of UniProt IDs entered after 2024
- Filter for UniRef50 clusters
- containing only proteins entered in UniProt after 2024
- With the UniParc ID larger to UPI002B50703F (First entry in 2024)
head -n 1 result.tsv > result100.tsv & tail -n +2 result.tsv | shuf -n $(($(wc -l < result.tsv) / 100)) >> result100.tsv