This is just another learning platform helping you to learn and practice new things.
First start the server locally (default as localhost:4000) via
npm run start:server
Then you can start the client (default as localhost:3000) via
npm run start:client
The domain is based on a set of highlevel core concepts like flashcards, cheat sheets, roadmaps, and so on (see chapter regarding core domains). These core domain concepts are applied in concrete functional domains like learning languages, practicing music and sports (see chapter regarding sub domains).
The platform uses different established learning practices to help a user keep motivated and to structurally learn these new things, i.e. using:
- Flashcards
Flashcards are learning aids for memorizing. Combined with learning systems like the Leitner-System they are efficient tools. I have a love-hate relationship to flashcards, I never liked using them but undoubtly they are quite effective (for me) for learning stuff based on memorizing. - Cheat-sheets
A cheat sheet in its essence a comprimised summary of a topic in the most compressed form. Writing cheat sheets (without applying:-) ) helped me to focus a lot at school and university. This platform should support the process of creating mantaining cheat sheets. - Road Maps
Road Maps are a great tool to structure a complex net of interelated topics in a larger context. Especially developer roadmaps (i.e. helped me a lot giving some guideline when starting in the industry and find my way of becoming a developer. They are both a good tool to understand an ecosystem and measure progress. - Practice Schedules
Learning only creates knowledge but practice creates skill. A practice schedule helps to apply the knowledge on a daily bases. Often I started something interesting, got lost in the process and stopped practicing it.
The platform offers it to create and use vocabulary flashcards in Korean. Also it helps measuring progress. Also grammar flashcards are supported and dynamic tests are possible.
There is an option to have flashcards as guitar lessons for specific topics (like Blues Scale, Chord Shapes, Muting Techniques, ...). There is also a dictionary of song transcriptions as flashcards. It is possible to organise and measure weekly practice.
This sub domain deals with learning and measuring progress in aquiring developer skills. A developer roadmap supports this process.
A fitness schedule and sports practice is enabled by the learning platform.
Basic idea is a typescript based server-/client-application based on hexagonal architecture and a scalable GraphQL domain model.
The domain model is a server driven domain model. It is generated based on graphql inputs via
npm run codegen
For more details see npm scripts within package.json files.
The server is a monolithic nodejs application.
TODO. See dependency cruiser profile.
The client is a react application.
npm run build
For more details see npm scripts within package.json files.
npm run test
For more details see npm scripts within package.json files.
npm run lint
For more details see npm scripts within package.json files.
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