This is a Reddit for exercise of carousell
Clone the app in your localhost and start the app quickly.
The way dependency with what libraries you have installed in your computer, for example : nodejs, if you don't wanna make trouble in process of installing libraries, the better way I advise is using Docker Quickly in the below.
git clone
cd Carousell_Reddit && yarn install
- Run Tests :
npm test
- Start App :
npm start
Click on the button to see online demon quickly.
Make sure you have installed docker in your computer, then you can follow the instructions below start the app quickly, the app work correctly with docker Version 17.03.1-ce-mac12 (17661), you can try with your original older docker version first, or update to the newest docker version if it didn't work with older version.
docker pull tsaohucn/carousell_reddit
docker run -p {Your Localhost Port}:3000 tsaohucn/carousell_reddit /bin/bash -l -c "npm start"