Hidden Treasures https://github.com/tripplerizz/HiddenTreasures
Kevin Nguyen and Hector Rizo
An app to find cool local places wherever you travel!
- Inside the root directory of the project, create a
file - Add your Google Maps API key to the file:
- On android emulator or device, set current location to FSU in order to view posts that have already been made
- Pirate Addies
- click the right "send" icon to "swipe right" in order to indicate to the application you have been to the Treausure Spot
- click the left "send" icon to "swipe left" in order to indicate to the application you HAVE NOT been to Treasure Spot
- Once all the images are done -> a blank screen should pop up
- Maps
- move POV arround to view current images posted by other users
- click on an image to open up a page with more information
- Home
- this fragment displays images which have been revently posted by users
- click on an image to view more information
- Treasure Item Info -> (information page)
- this page will load when you click an image on the MAPS or HOME fragment
- by clicking on the maps segment in the information page, you will navigate to Google Maps application to start route to location
- Image, Location, Name, Descriptiong, and Pirate Count ( number of people who have been there )
- Implemented navigation components
- Set up MapsAPI
- Set up Firebase Storage
- Set up Firebase Database
- Implemented Recycler View on HomeFragment
- Put pictures on MapFragment
- Designed the architecture of the app
- Implemented Pirate Swipe Fragmet
- Added calls to Firebase Storage and Database on Swipe Fragment
- Edited Treasure Item object for Database
- Implemented TreasureItemInfo Fragment
- Created Layout for Survey, Pirate Swipe, and ItemInfo
- Implemented Permissions for Camera and Location
- UI fixes