#modified from weinan's scripts
The workhorse is script gridpack_generation.sh
or submit_gridpack_generation.sh
of cms-sw/genproductions.
here is sort of a wrapper to remove redundant keystokes.
However, as parameters are highly model-dependent, to make everything working
smoothly for your model, one need to take care of the following things:
- cards template e.g. cards/iDM_models
It contains 4 .dat files:
and proc_card.dat
should be from interactive MadGraph running with a model.
should tell the model parameters one wants to change. Instead of setting a specific number, we write a placeholder in template cards so we can replace them with what we want.
should be the name of one's model file.
- model file
The model file should be put in a public downloadable place.
will download extramodel from https://cms-project-generators.web.cern.ch/cms-project-generators . However, if you did not upload your model into this place yet(like me), submit.py
will replace this url to the url pointing to your model. e.g. here
- parameters
will use template card to make individual cards by replacing placeholers with concrete numbers you set.
In https://github.com/phylsix/GridPacker/blob/sidm-branch/submit.py#L150-L162
template = 'iDM_Mchi-XMASS_dMchi-XHS_mZD-MED_Wchi2-WIDTH'
mchi = 6.0
dmchi = 2.0
mzd = 15
wchi = 1.00e-3
tempDir = 'dp_mumu'
rawParams = {'XMASS': mchi,'XHS':dmchi, 'MED': mzd, 'WIDTH: wchi}
tagParams = {'XMASS': stringfy_friendly(mchi), 'XHS':stringfy_friendly(dmchi),'MED': stringfy_friendly(mzd), 'WIDTH': stringfy_friendly(wchi)}
tag = format_template(template, tagParams)
Above, I create a string which will be used for the naming of the generated gridpack. Then I specify parameter values.
- submit method
In https://github.com/phylsix/GridPacker/blob/sidm-branch/submit.py#L166-L167
There are 2 ways working,
will do the job interactively, callinggridpack_generation.sh
will submit the job to CERN lxbatch, callingsubmit_gridpack_generation.sh
One can choose either one by commenting out the other.
- lifetime replacement
we make the lhe file from the tarball and manually replace the lifetimes for the desired particle using the script
. To do this, we copy the tarball and rename it including the string 'ctau-###' where ### is the desired lifetime (in cm). We then create the lhe by callingextractLHEFromGridpack.py [gridpack]
. This creates the LHE in the directory LHEs. We can then call the scriptreplaceLHELifetime.py -i [lhe] -t [ctau (in mm)]
. This will replace the lifetimes for the particle chosen in the script (I manually change the particle id within the script; however, it can be given as an argument) You can check the replacement by runninglhe_tester.py -i [lhe]
. Finally, gzip the lhe before submitting it to the MiniAOD producer.
Many of these steps can be done in bulk with some scripts. producedgridpacks/addlife.py can rename the gridpacks with the lifetimes in bulk. prepLHE.py will extract the gridpacks, replace the lifetimes and gzip the results all in bulk.
step1: clone genproductions repo
git clone [email protected]:cms-sw/genproductions.git genproductions -b mg26x
# or clone the master branch, which is based on mg24x.
# Both branches get official support
# (I use mg26x branch because mg24x is not working for SIDM model)
# git clone [email protected]:cms-sw/genproductions.git
step2: clone GridPacker repo
cd genproductions/bin/MadGraph5_aMCatNLO/
git clone [email protected]:tresreid/idm.git
cd GridPacker
step3: go through parameter settings
# after setting parameters..
**step4: make lifetimes
cp [gridpack] producedgridpacks
cd producedgridpacks
python addlife.py
cd ..
python prepLHE.py