A python module to access the Kyowa KS2 binary file
By ZC. Fang Copyright © 2018
data = coefA * raw + coefB
- 增加导出excel, txt等功能
- Python >= 3.4
- Numpy >= 1.13
- Scipy >= 0.19
- Pandas >= 0.20
- ks2 version: 01.00
- csv version: 0 (old)
- No CAN channel
- No digital channel
child id
- 4:
- 44
- 45
- 46: Item name
- 47:
- 54
- 55
- 56
- 57
- 58
- 59
- 60
- 61: CAN-ID Info, flgNBytes = 2,
- 62: CAN-CH Condition, flgNBytes = 4
- 63: CAN通信条件, flgNBytes = 2
- 70: CAN-CH条件, flgNBytes = 4
child id
- 2 || 48: valid channel id (2: ks1, 48: ks2), flgCoeff = 3
- 3: coef A, flgCoeff = 1, (KS2 ver01.01~03, float)
- 4: coef B, flgCoeff = 2, (KS2 ver01.01~03, float)
- 67: coef A, flgCoeff = 1, (KS2 ver01.04, double)
- 68: coef B, flgCoeff = 2, (KS2 ver01.04, double)
- 5: unit, flgCoeff = 5;
- 6:
- 8: calibration coefficient, flgCoeff = 7
- 12: offset, flgCoeff = 8
- 48
- 49: channel name, flgCoeff = 4
- 50
- 51: range, flgCoeff = 6
- 52
- 53: low pass filter, flgCoeff = 9
- 54: high pass filter, flgCoeff = 10
- 55
child id
- 3: start time, flgCoeff = 9
- 29
- 30: number of samples, flgCoeff = 10
- 31:
- 32
- 33
- 34: max/min data, flgNBytes = 2 (for ks2ver < 5)
- 35: 400 data samples before and after max/min data, flgNBytes = 4
- 36: time point when the max/min data occur
child id
- 1: flgNBytes = 4 (ks1)
- 2 (and else): flgNBytes = 8 (ks2)
child id
- 25: flgNBytes = 8
- 26 (and else): flgNBytes = 4