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An engine to simulate the visuals of the game zarch/virus, made for the pico-8!



Load main.p8. The sample "game" is in game.lua. What you need to know:

How to import - into pico-8 memory - terrain heightmap, terrain objects and polygons

  • Requirements:
    • A txt file with vertices and faces data, 3 lines for each model. Follow the format:
(v1_x,v1_y,v1_z),(v2_x,v2_y,v2_z),(v3_x,v3_y,v3_z), ...
(v1,v2,v3,color), ...

(v1_x,v1_y,v1_z),(v2_x,v2_y,v2_z),(v3_x,v3_y,v3_z), ...
(v1,v2,v3,color), ...
  • To get data to import into pico-8:
    • Run get_gfx.bat to extract bytes from the vertex data in models.txt, or
    • Type the following command, with your custom models.txt, in cmd: py [models_textfile].txt
  • Finally
    • Run the command above
    • Keep note of the numbers at the start (these are the memory location of each polygon/object)
    • Copy everything from __gfx__ on into main.p8.

How to instantiate objects and particles

  • In game.lua, make sure you populate OBJS_DATA with {decode_model(memlocation_obj1), decode_model(memlocation_obj2)...}
  • Use create_object3d to instantiate 3D objects.
    • 3D objects have many parameters, such as
      • obj_id,x,y,z: Initial position
      • obj_id: is the array index of the polygon this object will instantiate. This array is called OBJS_DATA, and is located in game.lua
      • update_func: a function that updates the logic of the object every frame
      • start_func: a function which only runs when the object is created
      • vx,vy,vz: initial velocities
      • no_shadow: true if object has no shadow
      • is_terrain: only used by terrain objects, since they don't require z-ordering
  • Use create_sprite3d and add it to game_objects3d to instantiate sprites/particles.
    • Sprites have many parameters, such as
      • x,y,z: Initial position
      • draw_func: the function that draws the shape, like rectfill or spr. Helper functions spr_to_scale NEW and circfill_to_scale NEW can draw sprites with correct scaling when further or close to the object
      • update_func: a function that updates the logic the object every frame
      • start_func: a function that only runs when sprite is created
      • vx,vy,vz: initial velocity on each axis
      • life_span: how much time the sprite will last on screen
      • shadow_func (previously no_shadow)NEW: a function that draws the shape of the shadow
      • disposable: true if sprite can be destroyed if many are on screen
  • To simulate gravity and acceleration, you can call gravity and/or acc NEW from inside update_func when creating the object. These two are helper functions located in zarchy_engine.lua

Terrain generation

  • The function generate_terrain() in decoders_generator.lua uses the sum of multiple sine waves to generate realistic wrappable terrain. Unfortunately it's a bit trial and error. I recommend watching this video for better understanding:
  • Add terrain objects in generate_terrain() by setting the 2nd most significant byte of a vertex in terrainmesh[][] to a object_id
    • Terrain objects can be updated by populating the index object_id in TERRAIN_FUNCS with a function (see example in game.lua)

Other parameters

  • zarchy_engine.lua
    • TERRAIN_NUMVERTS: How many vertices the terrain has, horizontally and vertically. HAS TO BE AN ODD NUMBER
    • TILE_SIZE: The.. size of each tile
    • NUMSECTS: number of "sectors" the map has. Each sector is a pixel on the minimap. (TERRAIN_NUMVERTS-1) MUST be divisible by NUMSECTS
    • K_SCREEN_SCALE,K_X_CENTER,K_Y_CENTER,Z_CLIP,Z_MAX: Some camera params. I wouldn't mess with these.
    • CAM_DIST_TERRAIN: Distance from camera to player
  • game.lua
    • OBJS_DATA: the array of 3D objects. Ex.: OBJS_DATA = {decode_model(0), decode_model(45)}
    • TERRAIN_FUNCS: array of functions which update environmental objects