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Polymer ^1.0 behavior that provides an easy translation service for your web components


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Polymer ^1.0 behavior that provides an easy translation service for your web components. It uses same hierarchy as I18n


bower install --save data-translate-behavior

When to use

If you have some web components that need to be translated, but you don't want to translate it each time you use it. For example, clear button in input, or login form.


You should add it to your component's behaviors.

  behaviors: [DataBehaviors.DataTranslate]

Then you should add properties, that you want to be translated. For example, we'll add property labelClearButton and it's translations.

  properties: {
    labelClearButton: {
        type: String,
        computed: "t('labelClearButton', translations, currentLanguage)"  //you have to specify path to property and 2 required arguments: translations and currentLanguage, which are required to notify changes in Polymer
    translations: {
        type: Object,
        notify: true,
        value: {
            en: {labelClearButton: 'clear'},     //here you can add as many translations as you want
            ru: {labelClearButton: 'стереть'}


There are also options that you can specify for detection and changing of language.

  detectLanguageFrom: {
    type: String,
    notify: true,
    reflectToAttribute: true,
    value: 'html' // any of available values
  getLanguageFrom: {
      type: String,
      notify: true,
      reflectToAttribute: true,
      value: 'html' //all except server

Values are:

  • html - detects and then gets language based on lang attribute(property) of
<html lang="en">
  • sibling - detects and then gets language based on closest element (upper) with lang attribute(property). Ex:
<div lang="en">
  <element>My Super Element</element>
  • self - detects and then gets language based on current element's lang attribute(property). Ex:
<element lang="en">
  • browser - detects and then gets language based on language or userLanguage or browserLanguage or systemLanguage property of window.navigator. It'll use the first not null.
  • server - detects language based on url specified in detectRequestUrl and xhr response from the server.
<element detect-request-url="somecoolurl.json">

Useful functions

  • t(string path) - returns translation based on translations[currentLanguage] + path. Required in Polymer computed properties.

  • detectLanguage() - detects language based on detectLanguageFrom property and sets returned value to currentLanguage property. Useful when detectLanguageFrom was set to server. You'll have to call detectLanguage() to grab language from the server. Then detectLanguage() will automatically assign received value to currentLanguage property and update DOM.

  • updateLanguage() - updates object based on getLanguageFrom (later just object) with value of currentLanguage property. Basically, you should use this method if you want to update object manually. But remember that translations will only be updated if currentLanguage has changed. If you assigned server to detectLanguageFrom, then this method will be called automatically on successful response of updateLanguage() after receiving new language from server.

  • findAllDataTranslateOnPage() - returns Array of web components that was extended with DataTranslate behavior.

Source: current document

  • findAllDataTranslateChildren(bool deep) - returns Array of web components that was extended with DataTranslate behavior.

Source: current element's children.

bool deep - default: true. If true will search recursively, if false will search only in children property.

  • findDataTranslateChildrenBySelector(string selectors) - returns Array of web components that was extended with DataTranslate behavior.

Source: current element's children.

It uses Element.querySelectorAll(selectors)

  • setPropToAllDataTranslateOnPage(string prop, newval) - sets the required property for all objects found by findAllDataTranslateOnPage().

  • setPropToAllDataTranslateChildren(string prop, newval, bool self, deep) - sets the required property for all objects found by findAllDataTranslateChildren().

Set self to true if you also want to set current element's property to newval.

  • setPropToDataTranslateChildrenBySelector(string selectors, string prop, newval, bool self) - sets the required property for all objects found by findDataTranslateChildrenBySelector().

Set self to true if you also want to set current element's property to newval.

  • removeTranslations(string path) - removes specified translation from all languages.

path - path to translation.


  • data-translate-initialize - fired on attached before adding Observer and detecting language.

It's better to add/change translations on this event, otherwise you'll have to switch language for changes to appear.

Also useful to set detectLanguageFrom or getLanguageFrom property. They're both reflectToAttribute: true. So, feel free to set them as atributes.


  element.setPropToAllDataTranslateChildren('detectLanguageFrom', 'browser', true);
  • current-language-change - fired when currentLanguage property changes.
  • translations-change - fired when translations property changes.



  properties: {
    mySuperLogin: {
      type: String,
      computed: "t('labels.login', translations, currentLanguage)"
    mySuperTitle: {
      type: String,
      computed: "t('labels.mainTitle', translations, currentLanguage)"
    mySuperPass: {
      type: String,
      computed: "t('labels.password', translations, currentLanguage)"
    translations: {
        type: Object,
        notify: true,
        value: {
            en: {
              labels: {
                login: 'Username',
                mainTitle: 'My Super Form',
                password: 'Password'
            ru: {
              labels: {
                login: 'Имя пользователя',
                mainTitle: 'Моя классная форма',
                password: 'Пароль'

Use our functions:

          var element = document.querySelector('#ourCoolElement');
          element.addEventListener('data-translate-initialize', function(e) {
              element.setPropToAllDataTranslateChildren('detectLanguageFrom', 'browser', true); // when page is loading  we're detecting our language from user's browser.
              element.removeTranslations('labels.mainTitle'); // we don't want labels.mainTitle to show up
              // we want to change some translations here
              element.translations.en.labels.login = 'Email';
     = 'Электронная почта';
          element.addEventListener('current-language-change', function(e) {
            console.log('My login: ' + element.mySuperLogin);


Polymer ^1.0 behavior that provides an easy translation service for your web components







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