Tom Stafford's PSY105 lectures
A five week course in which we look at how models of simple neurons can behave in ways which look remarkably like human memory.
- Python installed on your machine (PSY105 students, open 'Software Centre' and search for 'Anaconda')
- A copy of these files on your machine (PSY105 students, find PSY105 in the X: drive)
- Run ipython notebook (PSY105, find this in the start menu, under Anaconda)
For University of Sheffield students on the managed desktop
- You need to run the version 3 files (e.g. lecture1.v3.ipynb)
Converting ipython notebook v4 to v3, use this at the command line
- ipython nbconvert --to notebook --nbformat 3 lecture1.ipynb
- only works on linux as far as I can tell