A Rails authentication gem.
Authenticate is small, simple, but extensible and comprehensive. Authenticate comes out of the box with opinionated defaults but is open to complete modification.
Authenticate is inspired by, and draws both concepts and code from: Devise, Warden, Authlogic, Clearance, Sorcery, and restful_authentication.
Please use GitHub Issues to report bugs. You can contact me directly on twitter @JustinTomich.
- simple - Authenticate's code is straightforward and easy to read. No middleware!
- opinionated - set the "right" defaults, but let you control almost everything if you want
- small footprint - as few public methods and modules as possible. Methods only loaded into your user model if needed.
- configuration driven - almost all configuration is performed in the initializer
Authenticate provides rails authentication with email & password. Authenticate only works with Rails, and only with active record; this keeps it simple. There's no middleware, and no compromises or added complexity to support other ORMs.
Authenticate uses a modular callback mechanism similar to Warden, but much simpler. A lot of functionality is provided: there are modules to detect brute force attacks, enforce maximum session lifetimes, session timeouts, track logins, etc.
- loads modules into your user model to provide authentication functionality
- loads
that are triggered during authentication and access events. All authentication decisions are performed in callbacks, e.g. do you have a valid session, has your session timed out, etc. - loads a module into your controllers (typically
) to secure controller actions
The callback architecture is based on the system used by devise and warden, but significantly simplified.
Authenticate generates a token (called a 'session token') to identify the user from a saved cookie. When a user authenticates successfully, Authenticate generates and stores a 'session token' for your user in your database. The session token is also stored in a cookie in the user's browser. The cookie is then presented upon each subsequent access attempt to your server.
To get started, add Authenticate to your Gemfile
and run bundle install
to install it:
gem 'authenticate'
Then run the authenticate install generator:
rails generate authenticate:install
The generator does the following:
- Insert
include Authenticate::User
into yourUser
model. If you don't have a User model, one is created. - Insert
include Authenticate::Controller
into yourApplicationController
- Add an initializer at
. - Create migrations to create a users table or add columns to your existing table.
You'll need to run the migrations that Authenticate just generated:
rake db:migrate
Finally, you need to secure any controllers that require authentication by adding
before_action :require_login
. If your entire app requires authentication, add it to
# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
include Authenticate::Controller
before_action :require_login
protect_from_forgery with: :exception
Override any of these defaults in your application config/initializers/authenticate.rb
Authenticate.configure do |config|
config.user_model = 'User'
config.cookie_name = 'authenticate_session_token'
config.cookie_expiration = { 1.year.from_now.utc }
config.cookie_domain = nil
config.cookie_path = '/'
config.secure_cookie = false
config.cookie_http_only = false
config.mailer_sender = '[email protected]'
config.crypto_provider = Bcrypt
config.timeout_in = nil
config.max_session_lifetime = nil
config.max_consecutive_bad_logins_allowed = nil
config.bad_login_lockout_period = nil
config.password_length = 8..128
config.authentication_strategy = :email
config.redirect_url = '/'
config.allow_sign_up = true
config.routes = true
config.reset_password_within = 2.days
Configuration parameters are described in detail here: Configuration
Use the require_login
filter to control access to controller actions. To control access to
all controller actions, add the filter to your ApplicationController
, e.g.:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
before_action :require_login
Authenticate provides a session controller and views to authenticate users with an email and password.
After successful authentication, the user is redirected to the path they attempted to access,
or as specified by the redirect_url
property in your configuration. This defaults to '/' but can customized:
Authenticate.configure do |config|
config.redirect_url = '/specials'
Use current_user
, logged_in?
, and logged_out?
in controllers, views, and helpers.
<% if logged_in? %>
<%= current_user.email %>
<%= link_to "Sign out", sign_out_path %>
<% else %>
<%= link_to "Sign in", sign_in_path %>
<% end %>
Log the user out. The user session_token will be deleted from the database, and the session cookie will be deleted from the user's browser session.
# in session controller...
def destroy
redirect_to '/', notice: 'You logged out successfully'
Authenticate provides password reset controllers and views. When a user requests a password reset, Authenticate
delivers an email to that user. Change your mailer_sender
, which is used in the email's "from" header:
Authenticate.configure do |config|
config.mailer_sender = '[email protected]'
Authenticate assumes your user model is a class named User, but you can specify any user model class.
Authenticate uses email and password to login users. You can also authenticate with username.
Authenticate adds routes to your application. See config/routes.rb for the default routes.
If you want to control and customize the routes, you can turn off the built-in routes in
the Authenticate configuration with config.routes = false
and dump a copy of the default routes into your
application for modification.
To turn off Authenticate's built-in routes:
# config/initializers/authenticate.rb
Authenticate.configure do |config|
config.routes = false
You can run a generator to dump a copy of the default routes into your application for modification. The generator
will also switch off the routes as shown immediately above by setting config.routes = false
$ rails generate authenticate:routes
If the customization at the views level is not enough, you can customize each controller, and the authenticate mailer. See app/controllers for the default controllers, and app/mailers for the default mailer.
To override an authenticate controller, subclass an authenticate controller and update your routes to point to it.
For example, to customize Authenticate::SessionController
- subclass the controller:
# app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb
class SessionsController < Authenticate::SessionController
# render sign in screen
def new
# ...
- update your routes to use your new controller.
Start by dumping a copy of authenticate routes to your config/routes.rb
$ rails generate authenticate:routes
Now update your routes to point to your new controller:
# config/routes.rb
resource :sessions, controller: 'sessions', only: [:create, :new, :destroy]
You can also use the Authenticate controller generator to copy the default controllers and mailer into your application:
$ rails generate authenticate:controllers
You can quickly get started with a rails application using the built-in views. See app/views for the default views. When you want to customize an Authenticate view, create your own copy of it in your app.
You can use the Authenticate view generator to copy the default views into your application:
$ rails generate authenticate:views
Authenticate uses your application's default layout. If you would like to change the layout Authenticate uses when
rendering views, you can either deploy copies of the controllers and customize them, or you can specify
the layout in an initializer. This should be done in a to_prepare callback in config/application.rb
because it's executed once in production and before each request in development.
You can specify the layout per-controller:
config.to_prepare do
Authenticate::PasswordsController.layout 'my_passwords_layout'
Authenticate::SessionsController.layout 'my_sessions_layout'
Authenticate::UsersController.layout 'my_users_layout'
All flash messages and email lines are stored in i18n translations. You can override them like any other translation.
See config/locales/authenticate.en.yml for the default messages.
Authenticate can be extended via two mechanisms:
- user modules: add behavior to the user model
- callbacks: add rules or behavior during various authentication events, such as login and subsequent hits
Most of authenticate's behavior is implemented with a user module and a corresponding callback. User modules add behavior to the user, and the callback uses the user model data to decide an authentication attempt is valid or invalid.
Add behavior to your User model for your callbacks to use. You can include behavior yourself directly in your User class, but you can also use the Authenticate module loading system.
To add a custom module for Authenticate to load into your User model, e.g. MyUserModule
Authenticate.configuration do |config|
config.modules = [MyUserModule]
Callbacks can be added to Authenticate. Callbacks available at these points of the authenticate lifecycle:
Runs with every hit requiring authentication. This includes both the initial authentication process and subsequent to any controller secured by Authenticate. These callbacks run immediately after the User is determined. -
These callbacks run only during the initial authentication process.
See Lifecycle for full details.
Callbacks must throw(:failure, message)
to signal an authentication/authorization failure. Callbacks can also perform
other actions on the user or session. Callbacks are invoked with |user, session, options|
Here's a simple example that counts logins for users. It consists of a module for User implemented as an
, with a callback that is defined in an included
block. The module and callback
is added to the User module via the Authenticate configuration.
# app/models/concerns/login_count.rb
module LoginCount
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
# Add a callback that is triggered after every authentication
Authenticate.lifecycle.after_authentication name:'login counter' do |user, session, options|
user.count_login if user
def count_login
self.login_count ||= 0
self.login_count += 1
# config/initializers/authenticate.rb
Authenticate.configuration do |config|
config.modules = [LoginCount]
More complex callbacks and modules can be implemented in a separate file(s); in that case,
the user module should require
the callback file to inject it into Authenticate's callback lifecycle.
Authenticate includes middleware which allows tests to directly sign a test user in, eliminating the need to visit and submit the sign on form. This can significantly speeds up tests. Used by integration, system, feature, etc tests.
Configure your test environment to enable the middleware:
# config/environments/test.rb
MyRailsApp::Application.configure do
# ...
config.middleware.use Authenticate::Testing::IntegrationTestsSignOn
# ...
Sign a test user in by passing as=USER_ID in a query parameter:
visit root_path(as: user)
A feature spec using factory_girl and capybara with the integration sign on middleware might look like this:
require 'spec_helper'
feature 'dashboard' do
scenario 'logged in user has name on dashboard' do
user = create(:user)
visit dashboard_path(as: user)
expect(page).to have_content user.name
To test controller actions protected by authenticate with before_action :require_login
, you can
use Authenticate's test helpers.
For rspec
, add the following to your spec/spec_helper.rb
or spec/rails_helper.rb
require 'authenticate/testing/rspec'
For test-unit
, add the following to your test/test_helper.rb
require 'authenticate/testing/test_unit'
This will give you helper methods:
Once you login_as(user)
, you will satisfy the require_login
filter. The other Authenticate::Controller
methods will then work: current_user
, logged_in?
, logged_out?
A controller spec using factory_girl
and authenticate's controller helpers might look like this:
require 'spec_helper'
describe DashboardsController do
describe '#show' do
it 'shows view' do
user = create(:user)
get :show
expect(response).to be_success
expect(response).to render_template 'dashboards/show'
Rails 5 built-in test suite's controller tests now extend ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
. Use the middleware
to support sign on. For example:
require 'test_helper'
class DashboardsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
test 'logged in user can GET a dashboard' do
user = create(:user)
get dashboards_show_path(as: user)
assert_response :success
For rspec
, require authenticate/testing/rspec
to include view helpers:
Once you login_as(user)
, your view can make use of the other helpers as you'd expect.
An example view spec using factory_girl
and authenticate's view helpers:
require 'spec_helper'
describe 'dashboards/show', type: :view do
it 'displays user name' do
user = create(:user)
expect(rendered).to match user.name # view uses `current_user`
Consult the Authenticate wiki for additional documentation.
Authenticate is tested with rails 4.2, 5.0, and 5.1.
For a summary of changes by version, see the CHANGELOG.md.
Authenticate is copyright © 2015 Justin Tomich. It is free software, and may be
redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE