Use the standard way:
composer require todstoychev/bootstrap-alert-bundle
Then include in your AppKernel.php
new Todstoychev\BootstrapAlertBundle\TodstoychevBootstrapAlertBundle()
Since this bundle uses Twitter Bootstrap 3 components, it comes with Bootstrap 3.3.7 and jQuery 3.1.1. To install them simply run:
php bin/console asset:install
Symfony will install the assets for you
It will be also necessary to include to your stylesheet list the file named style.css, which is included in the bundle's css directory.
Add to your application config.yml:
use_close_button: true # Allows you to use close button in alert boxes
use_icons: true # Show icons in alert boxes
error: 'glyphicon glyphicon-close-sign'
warning: 'glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign'
info: 'glyphicon glyhicon-info-sign'
success: 'glyphicon glyphicon-ok-sign'
Feel free to use any other icon sets
Just include the template in your twig:
{% include 'TodstoychevBootstrapAlertBundle::alert.html.twig' %}