A small Webrick-based server to quickly build an API for testing purposes. Since the answers are generated on the fly, the API is highly customizable.
- git clone
- install the gems with bundle install
- start the server via ruby server.rb
- git clone
- docker build -t tapir .
- docker run
- The structure of the API is defined in properties.rb. There you'll find a hash with the different endpoints. Request parameters are given in the same way as parts of the path, only will they need to be written combined.
- If the value in the hash is a string, not another hash, the server will call a function of that name which returns the generated answer.
- If you want to serve an answer while the path can go on at the same time, you have to put the value in the structure_tree in an array. For example if /xy should serve an answer and /xy/z also, the hash has to look like this: {"xy" => ["answer_1", {"z" => "answer_2"}]}
- If the key in the hash is "aaany", any request is served.
- The URL local_ip:4567/ApiTest/api/path2/path22/xyz will deliver the json from example_3.rb
- The URL local_ip:4567/ApiTest/api/path1/path11?requestparameterx=y&requestparameterd=e will deliver the json from example_1.rb