A Java implementation of the rsync algorithm (not the protocol) and corresponding command line client and daemon.
Start daemon: java -cp build/libs/jsync.jar de.tntinteractive.jsync.JsyncDaemon 13579
Synchronize directory tree
2.1 Directory from local to remote: java -cp build/libs/jsync.jar de.tntinteractive.jsync.JsyncClient localDirectory targethost:13579 targetParentDirectory
2.2 Directory contents from local to remote (small slash, big difference ;) ): java -cp build/libs/jsync.jar de.tntinteractive.jsync.JsyncClient localDirectory/ targethost:13579 targetDir Target directory will be created if non-existant.
2.3 Syncing from a program: Have a look at de.tntinteractive.jsync.JsyncClient.syncDirectory()
Further info can be found in the wiki: https://github.com/tobiasbaum/jsync/wiki