Releases: tluck/Lenovo-T420-Clover
Clover r5142 OC 0.7.6
- Update to Clover r5142
- Update OpenCore to 0.7.6 configuration as alternate bootmgr
- Updates to various Lilu kexts - ALC, WEG
ACPIBatteryManager.kext (1.90.1-tluck)
ACPIPoller.kext (0.8.2) - add 4 second delay after startup.
BlueTooth_Injector_T420 (1.0.0)
EFICheckDisabler.kext (0.5)
FakeSMC (6.26.1443)
- ACPISensors (6.26.1443)
- CPUSensors (6.26.1443)
IntelMausiEthernet.kext (2.5.3d1, 2.4, 2.3) - specific to Catalina/Mojave, HighSierra, and Sierra
USBInjectAll.kext (0.7.1) - helps with USB for other models beside MBP8,1
VoodooPS2Controller.kext (1.9.2) - merged version from RehabMan's master branch (v2.0.x doesnt work)
Lilu.kext (1.5.8)
- AppleALC.kext (1.6.7) - (acidanthera) merged in custom IDs 14 and 13 (dock) for T420
- WhateverGreen.kext (1.5.6) - WEG is used by default now
- VirtualSMC/SMCBatteryManager.kext/SMCProcessor.kext (1.2.8)
Clover r5127 OC 0.6.5
- Update to Clover r5127
- Update OpenCore to 0.6.5 configuration as alternate bootmgr
- Updates to various Lilu kexts - ALC, WEG
ACPIBatteryManager.kext (1.90.1-tluck)
ACPIPoller.kext (0.8.2) - add 4 second delay after startup.
BlueTooth_Injector_T420 (1.0.0)
EFICheckDisabler.kext (0.5)
FakeSMC (6.26.1443)
- ACPISensors (6.26.1443)
- CPUSensors (6.26.1443)
IntelMausiEthernet.kext (2.5.3d1, 2.4, 2.3) - specific to Catalina/Mojave, HighSierra, and Sierra
USBInjectAll.kext (0.7.1) - helps with USB for other models beside MBP8,1
VoodooPS2Controller.kext (1.9.2) - merged version from RehabMan's master branch (v2.0.x doesnt work)
Lilu.kext (1.5.1)
- AppleALC.kext (1.5.6) - (acidanthera) merged in custom IDs 14 and 13 (dock) for T420
- WhateverGreen.kext (1.4.6) - WEG is used by default now
- VirtualSMC/SMCBatteryManager.kext/SMCProcessor.kext (1.2.0)
Clover r5122 OpenCore 0.6.2
- Update to Clover r5122
- Update OpenCore to 0.6.2 configuration as alternate bootmgr
- Updates to various Lilu kexts - ALC, WEG
ACPIBatteryManager.kext (1.90.1-tluck)
ACPIPoller.kext (0.8.2) - add 4 second delay after startup.
BlueTooth_Injector_T420 (1.0.0)
EFICheckDisabler.kext (0.5)
FakeSMC (6.26.1443)
- ACPISensors (6.26.1443)
- CPUSensors (6.26.1443)
IntelMausiEthernet.kext (2.5.1d1, 2.4, 2.3) - specific to Catalina/Mojave, HighSierra, and Sierra
USBInjectAll.kext (0.7.1) - helps with USB for other models beside MBP8,1
VoodooPS2Controller.kext (1.9.2) - merged version from RehabMan's master branch (v2.0.x doesnt work)
Lilu.kext (1.4.8)
- AppleALC.kext (1.5.3) - (acidanthera) merged in custom IDs 14 and 13 (dock) for T420
- WhateverGreen.kext (1.4.3) - WEG is used by default now
- VirtualSMC/SMCBatteryManager.kext/SMCProcessor.kext (1.1.7)
Clover r5121 and OpenCore 0.6.1
- Update to Clover r5121
- Updates to various Lilu kexts - ALC, WEG
- Update OpenCore to 0.6.1 configuration as alternate bootmgr
ACPIBatteryManager.kext (1.90.1-tluck)
ACPIPoller.kext (0.8.2) - add 4 second delay after startup.
BlueTooth_Injector_T420 (1.0.0)
EFICheckDisabler.kext (0.5)
FakeSMC (6.26.1443)
- ACPISensors (6.26.1443)
- CPUSensors (6.26.1443)
IntelMausiEthernet.kext (2.5.1d1, 2.4, 2.3) - specific to Catalina/Mojave, HighSierra, and Sierra
USBInjectAll.kext (0.7.1) - helps with USB for other models beside MBP8,1
VoodooPS2Controller.kext (1.9.2) - merged version from RehabMan's master branch (v2.0.x doesnt work)
VirtualSMC (1.1.6)
Lilu.kext (1.4.7)
AppleALC.kext (1.5.2) - (acidanthera) merged in custom IDs 14 and 13 (dock) for T420
WhateverGreen.kext (1.4.2) - WEG is used by default now
Clover r5120 and OC 0.6
- Update to Clover r5120
- Updates to various Lilu kexts - ALC, WEG
- Update OpenCore to 0.6.x configuration as alternate bootmgr
ACPIBatteryManager.kext (1.90.1-tluck)
ACPIPoller.kext (0.8.2) - add 4 second delay after startup.
BlueTooth_Injector_T420 (1.0.0)
EFICheckDisabler.kext (0.5)
FakeSMC (6.26.1443)
- ACPISensors (6.26.1443)
- CPUSensors (6.26.1443)
IntelMausiEthernet.kext (2.5.1d1, 2.4, 2.3) - specific to Catalina/Mojave, HighSierra, and Sierra
USBInjectAll.kext (0.7.1) - helps with USB for other models beside MBP8,1
VoodooPS2Controller.kext (1.9.2) - merged version from RehabMan's master branch (v2.0.x doesnt work)
VirtualSMC (1.1.5)
Lilu.kext (1.4.6)
AppleALC.kext (1.5.1) - (acidanthera) merged in custom IDs 14 and 13 (dock) for T420
WhateverGreen.kext (1.4.1) - WEG is used by default now
Clover r5118 and OC 0.6.0
- Update to Clover r5118
- Updates to various Lilu kexts - ALC, WEG
- Update OpenCore to 0.6.x configuration as alternate bootmgr
ACPIBatteryManager.kext (1.90.1-tluck)
ACPIPoller.kext (0.8.2) - add 4 second delay after startup.
BlueTooth_Injector_T420 (1.0.0)
EFICheckDisabler.kext (0.5)
FakeSMC (6.26.1443)
- ACPISensors (6.26.1443)
- CPUSensors (6.26.1443)
IntelMausiEthernet.kext (2.5.1d1, 2.4, 2.3) - specific to Catalina/Mojave, HighSierra, and Sierra
USBInjectAll.kext (0.7.1) - helps with USB for other models beside MBP8,1
VoodooPS2Controller.kext (1.9.2) - merged version from RehabMan's master branch (v2.0.x doesnt work)
VirtualSMC (1.1.4)
Lilu.kext (1.4.5)
AppleALC.kext (1.5.0) - (acidanthera) merged in custom IDs 14 and 13 (dock) for T420
WhateverGreen.kext (1.4.0) - WEG is used by default now
Clover r5118 and OC 0.5.9
- Update to Clover r5118
- Updates to various Lilu kexts - ALC, WEG
- Add OpenCore configuration as alternate bootmgr
ACPIBatteryManager.kext (1.90.1-tluck)
ACPIPoller.kext (0.8.2) - add 4 second delay after startup.
BlueTooth_Injector_T420 (1.0.0)
EFICheckDisabler.kext (0.5)
FakeSMC (6.26.1443)
- ACPISensors (6.26.1443)
- CPUSensors (6.26.1443)
IntelMausiEthernet.kext (2.5.1d1, 2.4, 2.3) - specific to Catalina/Mojave, HighSierra, and Sierra
USBInjectAll.kext (0.7.1) - helps with USB for other models beside MBP8,1
VoodooPS2Controller.kext (1.9.2) - merged version from RehabMan's master branch (v2.0.x doesnt work)
Lilu.kext (1.4.4)
AppleALC.kext (1.5.0) - (acidanthera) merged in custom IDs 14 and 13 (dock) for T420
WhateverGreen.kext (1.4.0) - WEG is used by default now
Clover r5112
- Update to Clover r5112
- Updates to various Lilu kexts - ALC, WEG
- Update to InterMausiEthernet kext for 10.14/10.5
- tweak to SIP value in config.plist
- ACPIBatteryManager.kext (1.90.1-tluck) - use Darkvoid's new polling method on AC - with non-default values
- ACPIPoller.kext (0.8.2) - add 4 second delay after startup.
- AppleALC.kext (1.4.8) - (acidanthera) merged in custom IDs 14 and 13 (dock) for T420
- BlueTooth_Injector_T420 (1.0.0)
- EFICheckDisabler.kext (0.5)
- FakeSMC (6.26.1443)
- ACPISensors (6.26.1443)
- CPUSensors (6.26.1443)
- IntelMausiEthernet.kext (2.5.1d1, 2.4, 2.3) - specific to Catalina/Mojave, HighSierra, and Sierra
- Lilu.kext (1.4.4)
- USBInjectAll.kext (0.7.1) - helps with USB for other models beside MBP8,1
- VoodooPS2Controller.kext (1.9.2) - merged version from RehabMan's master branch (v2.0.x doesnt work)
- WhateverGreen.kext (1.3.9) - WEG is used by default now
Clover r5107
- Update to Clover r5107
- Updates to various Lilu kexts - ALC, WEG
- ACPIBatteryManager.kext (1.90.1-tluck) - use Darkvoid's new polling method on AC - with non-default values
- ACPIPoller.kext (0.8.2) - add 4 second delay after startup.
- AppleALC.kext (1.4.8) - (acidanthera) merged in custom IDs 14 and 13 (dock) for T420
- BlueTooth_Injector_T420 (1.0.0)
- EFICheckDisabler.kext (0.5)
- FakeSMC (6.26.1443)
- ACPISensors (6.26.1443)
- CPUSensors (6.26.1443)
- IntelMausiEthernet.kext (2.5, 2.4, 2.3) - specific to Sierra, HighSierra, Mojave, Catalina
- Lilu.kext (1.4.3)
- USBInjectAll.kext (0.7.1) - helps with USB for other models beside MBP8,1
- VoodooPS2Controller.kext (1.9.2) - merged version from RehabMan's master branch (v2.0.x doesnt work)
- WhateverGreen.kext (1.3.8) - WEG is used by default now
Clover r5015
- Update to Clover r5105
- Updates to various Lilu kexts - ALC, WEG
- Add macOS IntelMausiEthernet versions by release for 10.12, 10.13, 10.14, 10.15
- ACPIBatteryManager.kext (1.90.1-tluck) - use Darkvoid's new polling method on AC - with non-default values
- ACPIPoller.kext (0.8.2) - add 4 second delay after startup.
- AppleALC.kext (1.4.7) - (acidanthera) merged in custom IDs 14 and 13 (dock) for T420
- BlueTooth_Injector_T420 (1.0.0)
- EFICheckDisabler.kext (0.5)
- FakeSMC (6.26.1443)
- ACPISensors (6.26.1443)
- CPUSensors (6.26.1443)
- IntelMausiEthernet.kext (2.5.0, 2.4, 2.3)
- Lilu.kext (1.4.2)
- USBInjectAll.kext (0.7.1) - helps with USB for other models beside MBP8,1
- VoodooPS2Controller.kext (1.9.2) - merged version from RehabMan's master branch (v2.0.x doesnt work)
- WhateverGreen.kext (1.3.7) - WEG is used by default now