Contact with me: me [at] or @_mgp25
IMPORTANT: Be sure to use the newer code from my repo WhatsAPI-Spanish or WhatsAPI from Shirioko
- Check WA Tools, a website i made, send messages, check your whatsapp status, see others profile picture, last seen time, status and much more!
whatsprot.class.php is required for all scripts (Telling this for beginners...)
Registering a new number / Registrando un nuevo numero
$debug = true;
$username = '34666554433'; // Telephone number including the country code without '+' or '00'.
$identity = '';
$nickname = 'WA Tools'; // This is the username displayed by WhatsApp clients.
// Create a instance of WhastPort.
$w = new WhatsProt($username, $identity, $nickname, $debug);
Once you have the code similar to 123-456. You have to insert it this way 123456. Update the script to validate your code with:
Logging in / Iniciando sesión
$username = ''; // Number with country code
$password = ''; // Password obtained with WART or WhatsAPI
$identity = ''; // $identity is no longer necessary
$debug = false; // You can set true, for more details
$nickname = "WA Tools"; // This is the username (or nickname) displayed by WhatsApp clients.
$w = new WhatsProt($username, $identity, $nickname, $debug);
// Now loginWithPassword function sends Nickname and (Available) Presence
Sending Messages / Enviando mensajes
$dst = '34666554433'; // The number of the person you are sending the message
$w->sendMessage($dst , "Este es un mensaje de prueba :D");
// You can also add a $message and use it this way:
$w->sendMessage($dst , $message);
Requesting Last Seen / Viendo la última vez en linea
$msgid = time()."-1";
//The function retrive $seconds in UNIX timestamp, you can format that for a easier function :P
function onGetRequestLastSeen($username, $msgid, $seconds)
//echo "Received last seen seconds: '$seconds'";
//$now = time();
//$lastSeen = $now - $seconds;
$secondsInAMinute = 60;
$secondsInAnHour = 60 * $secondsInAMinute;
$secondsInADay = 24 * $secondsInAnHour;
// extract days
$days = floor($seconds / $secondsInADay);
// extract hours
$hourSeconds = $seconds % $secondsInADay;
$hours = floor($hourSeconds / $secondsInAnHour);
// extract minutes
$minuteSeconds = $hourSeconds % $secondsInAnHour;
$minutes = floor($minuteSeconds / $secondsInAMinute);
// extract the remaining seconds
$remainingSeconds = $minuteSeconds % $secondsInAMinute;
$seconds = ceil($remainingSeconds);
// return the value
if (($seconds==null) & ($minutes==null) & ($hours==null) & ($days==null))
echo "El contacto tiene desactivado esta función";
else if (($seconds==0) & ($minutes==0) & ($hours==0) & ($days==0))
echo "En línea";
echo $days . " días " . $hours . " horas " . $minutes . " minutos";
$w->eventManager()->bind('onGetRequestLastSeen', 'onGetRequestLastSeen');
// See Event Manager in WhatsAPI-Spanish repo for more info.
Requesting profile picture / Obteniendo la imagen de perfil
function onGetProfilePicture($from, $target, $type, $data)
if ($type == "preview") {
$filename = "preview_" . $target . ".jpg";
} else {
$filename = $target . ".jpg";
$filename = WhatsProt::PICTURES_FOLDER."/" . $filename;
$fp = @fopen($filename, "w");
if ($fp) {
fwrite($fp, $data);
echo '<a href="'.$filename.'"><center><img src="'.$filename.'" height="250" width="250"></center></a><br><br>';
//Create the whatsapp object and setup a connection.
//Retrieve large profile picture. Output is in /src/php/pictures/ (you need to bind a function
//to the event onProfilePicture so the script knows what to do.
$w->eventManager()->bind("onGetProfilePicture", "onGetProfilePicture");
$w->sendGetProfilePicture($target, true);
Create a group chat / crear un chat de grupo
$participants = array("34123456789", "34987654321");
$w->sendGroupsChatCreate("My new Group chat", $participants);
Sending messages to a group chat / mandar mensajes a un chat de grupo
// $gId should be like MyNumber-1405367897, the last number you can capture with and event and $w->sendGetGroups();
$w->sendMessage($gId, $msg);
Send broadcast message / mandar un difundido
// Only synced user will receive broadcast messages
$targets = array("34123456789", "34987654321");
$message = "This is broadcast message";
$w->sendBroadcastMessage($targets, $message);
Send video message / mandar un video
$target = "34123456789";
$pathToVideo = ""; // This could be url or path to video.
$w->sendMessageVideo($target, $pathToVideo);
// If you have already the video size and hash, you can send it without re-uploading it to whatsapp servers
$w->sendMessageVideo($to, $filepath, false, $fsize, $fhash);
// This also works with:
// $w->sendMessageAudio and $w->sendMessageImage