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maartenmarx edited this page Dec 13, 2013 · 11 revisions

Understanding of what we want to have from the procurement site.

  • Page with list of tenders
  • Example: After clicking one tender
    • This page cannot be printed directly, but can be using their print button (which basically gives the list of all attribute value pairs).
    • It has information in different tabs
    • Every tender has a unique ID: Tender Registration Number SPA130026023
    • I see no direct link between this ID and the webpage of the tender...
    • All information on the tender tab is in the attribute:value format
    • The tender documentation tab contains a searchable PDF. This can be downloaded using the comand below. But the resulting file is not a PDF. wget -O 1385670066.pdf --no-check-certificate ""
    • The offers tab has a spreadsheet like format. Or several spreadsheets.
    • The Results tab contains links to documents with an author and a date attached.

Permanent Identifiers

It would be very good if there is a URL which is permanent and which can resolve every tenderID. Something like Problem now is that the ID of the page does not correspond to the ID of the tender. Creates complications.

What TI Georgia likes to have

For every tender a JSON/XML file with all information about the tender. Almost all information has the form of an attribute-value pair. These are easily given in XML or JSON. The list of documents has a more complex structure, so does the list of bids. <tender id='SPA130026023'> <tenderinfo tender_type="Electronic tender" tender_proceeding_status="tender announced" /> <tenderdocumentation> <doc url='URL to PDF' date='' author=''/> .... </tenderdocumentation> <offers> and similar for the offers </offers> <result> ..... </result> </tender>


  • Use the company identifiers instead of their names in the documentation on the offers.
  • Similarly for the procuring agencies. Thus in the main information tab on the tender instead of Procuring Sub - Department of Cultural Heritage Protection Agency use Procuring 204469280.

Harvesting Protocol

  • We would like to have a simple GET based API with the tender ID as a field, and which would give back an XML or JSON file like above.
  • We also need to have a daily list of tenderID's which have been changed since last night.
    • New tenders
    • Old tenders for which some data has changed
  • In this way, we never need to download information twice, and we can be fairly sure that we have an up-to-date and synchronized copy of the tender database/