This is a Django app built to provide an interface to data downloaded from the Georgian Public Registry website by by TI Georgia's scraper.
virtualenv corp_search
cd corp_search
source bin/activate && git clone
cd CorpSearch && pip install -r requirements.txt
and edit to syncdb migrate corporations migrate person
- Download Blueprint and install it into static/css if you care how things look.
You'll need to populate the database using data from the scraper mentioned above. This data is stored in JSON files; there are three JSON files that are currently used:
- Corporation.json
- PersonCorpRelation.json
- RegistryExtract.json
In order to load data, management commands have been created (in the util app). To load data for the first time, AFTER you've run syncdb and migrate in the installation instructions, copy the three files above into a folder called "data" in the same directory as this README file.
Next, issue (in this order): loadcorps loadpeople
And then sit back and wait, because it'll take a while.
If you need to reload the data for some reason (e.g. to load a new scrape), just
issue: resetcorps
or resetpeople
The commands have been optimized to balance speed and memory usage; you shouldn't have a problem on most modern machines.
There are some helpful utility scripts for updating the site (assuming you use PostgreSQL) in the scripts folder. They use the Fabric library. You'll need to write your own importing the modules in scripts. That file is deliberately missing from this repository in order to avoid exposing server configuration details.
Company Info is released under the terms of GNU General Public License (V2).