Releases: ths-rwth/smtrat
Release associated with the paper "Extensions of the Cylindrical Algebraic Covering Method for Quantifiers".
Release associated with the paper "Extensions of the Cylindrical Algebraic Covering Method for Quantifiers".
SMT-RAT 24.06
Updated release for the SMT-COMP 2024. The asset smtrat.tgz contains a pre-built binary.
SMT-RAT 24.05
Release for the SMT-COMP 2024. The asset smtrat.tgz
contains a pre-built binary.
Release associated with the paper "Merging Adjacent Cells during Single Cell Construction".
Release associated with the paper "A Divide-and-Conquer Approach to Variable Elimination in Linear Real Arithmetic" (Updated to include results for z3)
Release associated with the paper "Extensions of the Cylindrical Algebraic Covering Method for Quantifiers".
Release associated with the paper "A Divide-and-Conquer Approach to Variable Elimination in Linear Real Arithmetic" (Updated)
Release associated with the paper "A Divide-and-Conquer Approach to Variable Elimination in Linear Real Arithmetic"
SMT-RAT 24.02
Add support for quantifier elimination in NRA and LRA.