Releases: thisfeeling/kyliz_script
K1.4.1-stable 20240531-2230
-New banner ASCII in "initialize_setup".
-Added function "global_definitions_variables".
-The functions "config_environment", "config_languages" were unified into one.
-Improvements in throughout the script structure.
-Improved "selected_process" to avoid repeating code.
-Improved in some functions called "process" and "-z undefined variables" to avoid repeating code.
-Fixed print errors in functions like "rm" "cp" "mv" "chmod".
-Fixed bug about "log_message" system stopped working when "cd" was executed.
-Fixed error, when detects new update, does not show the current and new version tag.
-Fixed some code errors.
K1.4.0-stable 20240529-2303
-Added function about a question when occurs a error, to avoid lost of progress.
-Added function script "log_message" system. Saves to "kyliz_script.log".
-Added function "tip_messages".
-Added function "global_verification".
-Added translations to "check_updates_system", "global_verification" and "final_function".
-Improved the script error handling with adding functions like "rm_file_error", "mkdir_file_error", "cp_file_error", "mv_file_error", "chmod_file_error", "chown_file_error".
-Improved "download_with_wget", "clone_with_git" with error handling.
-Improvements to script error checking "-z conditions, true or false, STABLE or BETA".
-Improved "install_dependencies" and was remplaced by "config_dependencies".
-Improved "config_dependencies" with dependency validations.
-Improved "config_colors" styles.
-Improved "config_environment".
-Improved "check_updates", with copying, system.
-Improved "manual_process" "automatic_process" to avoid repeating code.
-Improved "process_manual_configure_build" "process_auto_configure_build to avoid repeating code".
-Improved "manual_configure_build" "auto_configure_build" to avoid repeating code.
-"status_message" "success_message" "info_message" "handle_error" was remplaced by "messages".
-Reverted function "CHECK_UPDATES" but without errors.
-Fixed "check_updates_system" wont download the new version.
NOTE: Previous versions files were deleted.
K1.3.9 STABLE 20240526
-Improved "check_updates" with "UPDATE_CHANNEL".
-Improved global variable reuse to minimize unnecessary repetition "status_message" "success_message" "info_message" "handle_error".
-Fixed some languages errors.
-Fixed error code "MANUAL_KERNEL_DIR".
-Fixed script closing "install_dependencies" in latest version of Ubuntu.
K1.3.8 STABLE 20231204
-(check_updates forced).
-Fixed some code bugs.
-Obsolete code was deleted, "DOWNLOAD_TOOLS" and was remplazed by "ENVIRONMENT_AUTO".
K1.3.7 STABLE 20231204
-Fixed some code bugs.
K1.3.6 STABLE 20231203
-Added "process_manual_configure_build", "process_auto_configure_build".
-Improvements in "compile_kernel".
-Improvements in "check_updates".
-Changes in "verify_dtb_ziptool", "mv" to "cp".
-Obsolete code was deleted, "KBUILDER_VERSION_STRING".
K1.3.5 STABLE 20231203
-Fixed some code errors/bugs in languages, varible "ARCHITECTURE", "generate_dt".
-Obsolete code was deleted, "cleanup_out" was remplazed by "preparation_kernel".
K1.3.4 STABLE 20231202
-"Improvements in "check_updates", now you can update automatically the script (The that you edited will not be replaced in update), and added "process_check_updates", "CHECK_UPDATES".
-Fixed some code errors/bugs.
K1.3.3 STABLE 20231202
-Fixed error code in "cleanup_out".
K1.3.2 STABLE 20231202
-Fixed error code in "automatic_process", "manual_process".
-Fixed unused "preparation_kernel".