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Andrew Beyond edited this page Aug 13, 2018 · 1 revision

4. Working with the API. General provisions.

Work with the API is supported by http protocol (in the future it is also planned to support https) using GET or POST requests (for different APIs different type of requests). Thus, it is possible for you to send data to the server in one of the following ways: in the address bar as one of the URL components or as a GET parameter (ie /url/param1 or /url/?param1=123). If the API accessed using  method of the POST request, then the data is encoded in the json format and placed in the body of the request. A combination of both transfer methods is also possible. For different API data is transmitted in different ways, and for each specific endpoint information on how to pass arguments will be given.

The result of the query is always placed in the body of the response from the server in json format. There are several mandatory fields that will always be present in the response when it comes to certain situations.

Field Purpose
ok Boolean type. The field is always present in the response. If the query is correctly executed, it will be true. If an error occurred as a result of the query execution, then the value of this field will be false. Use this field in order to determine the success of the query.
code Integer type. The field is present in the response when the request is executed with an error and contains an error code. Code 1 means generic error and can also appear for errors, different in their nature. The remaining codes are unique for specific types of errors.
msg String type. The field is shown in the response if the query is executed with an error. It contains a text message (in English) about the error. This message usually can be shown to the user for failed requests.
address String type. The field can be present in some responses with information on wallet address in the binary representation in the form of hex.
txtaddress String type. The field can be present in some replies, containing an address in the textual format.

In what follows we shall not dwell on the description of errors and the standard fields listed above. The remaining fields are not standardized and are specific to specific APIs.

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