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Galaxy server with GridEngine


This project will deploy a GridEngine cluster (Scheduler and Compute nodes) and a Galaxy server configured as a GrideEngine submitter node. Galaxy will use the DRMAA Python API to submit jobs to SGE as configured in the provided config files (ie. galaxy.yml, job_config.xml & auth_config.xml).

High Level Overview

This project will do the following:

  • deploy SGE cluster consisting of scheduler node and configurable amount & type of compute
    • VM types and quantity can be selected in CycleCloud Portal after cluster is imported
    • the SGE slot_type name, quantity, config, etc can be modified in the CycleCloud template file provided
    • Cloud-init will install git & Python3 on scheduler & compute nodes; also sets DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH variable
  • deploy SGE submit node and install Galaxy
    • default config files (ie. galaxy.yml, job_config.xml & auth_config.xml) are provided and can be updated (REF: specs/default/cluster_init/files)
    • apply option for public IP address (and DNS name) on Galaxy VM (configured in CycleCloud Portal)
    • if a Public IP is associated, a NSG rule will be created to allow SSH and HTTP (TCP ports 22 & 8080) to Galaxy VM
    • installs Git, Python3, pip, virtualenv on the Galaxy VM
    • links DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH in /etc/profile (REF: specs/default/cluster_init/scripts/
    • git clone Galaxy to NFS mount and runs it as a SGE user (as daemon with galaxy.log)

Cluster template file changes from default:

The following template configs will deploy the Galaxy server as s submit node and configure the cluster nodes with Python3 (templates/gridengin-galaxy2.txt)

[[node defaults]]

CloudInit = '''#cloud-config
- yum install -y git python3
- echo "export DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH=/sched/sge/sge-2011.11/lib/linux-x64/" >> /etc/profile
- source /etc/profile
[[node Galaxy]]
MachineType = $GalaxyMachineType
ImageName = $GalaxyImageName
AdditionalClusterInitSpecs = $GalaxyClusterInitSpecs

    run_list = recipe[cyclecloud::_hosts], recipe[cshared::client], recipe[cuser], recipe[gridengine::submitter]
    [[[cluster-init cyclecloud-galaxy:default:1.0.0]]]

    [[[network-interface eth0]]]
    AssociatePublicIpAddress = $GalaxyPublicNetwork

    [[[input-endpoint SSH]]]
    PrivatePort = 22

    [[[input-endpoint HTTP]]]
    PrivatePort = 8080  

(NOTE: There are also PARAMETERS config associated with the above that are not shown here but exist in the template)

Cluster Specs

This project includes 3 Galaxy config files (galaxy.yml, job_config.xml & auth_config.xml) files that and a script named The script does the following:

  • Installs Git & Python3 if needed
  • Defines the Galaxy install directory (gal_dir)
  • Finds (if CycleCloud aka CC deployed) or hardcodes a GridEngine user (sge_user)
  • Creates the Galaxy directory on the NFS /shared mount (if it doesn't exist)...this dir is mounted on each node in SGE cluster
  • Sets the drmaa-python library environment variable in all users profile
  • Sets owners and permissions for local SSD (/mnt/resource) and common data directory (/datasets)
  • Git clones the Galaxy repo to gal_dir (/shared/Galaxy/galaxy-app)
  • Copies the config files (galaxy.yml, job_config.xml & auth_config.xml) to the Galaxy install (gal_dir)
  • Adds the Galaxy server as a submitter node in SGE
  • Starts Galaxy as a daemon with galaxy.log located in gal_dir


The provided config files provide default settings with the following assumptions:

  • Authentication is using the Galaxy localDB (auth_conf.xml & galaxy.yml)
    - The Galaxy user submitting the job to SGE must exist in the SGE cluster
    - CC provides a shared user environment for the cluster but uses passwordless auth....Galaxy requires password
    - An external LDAP/AD (not AAD) could be deployed by CC to all the nodes in the cluster
    - In this case the Galxay auth (auth_conf.xml) should be changed to PAM unless the external LDAP/AD is providing uid/gid info
  • Cluster configuration (job_conf.xml)
    • job parameters are set to the SGE default template with slot_types HTC and HPC defined
    • This file needs to be updated if the Cluster config changes

How to use this CC project

NOTE: this project assumes you have a working CC VM deployed

  • Git clone this project
    git clone

  • Upload project to CC locker
    cd galaxy-gridengine
    # modify files (if needed)
    cyclecloud locker list
        Azure cycle Locker (az://mystorageaccount/cyclecloud)
    cyclecloud project upload "Azure cycle Locker"

  • Import cluster template to CC
    cyclecloud import_cluster <cluster-name> -c Galaxy -f templates/gridengine-galaxy2.txt

    NOTE: substitute <cluster-name> with a name for your cluster...all lower case, no spaces

  • Navigate to CC Portal to configure & start the cluster


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