Open GridEngine compiled with support for Java DRMAA API
CycleCloud GridEngine Project This project adds Java support to the Open Grid Engine supplied with Azure CycleCloud
This example will use the sge-2011.11 version specifically compiled with support for Java.
Use the Java compiled files OGE files named as follows (NOTE: do not change the file names):
sge-2011.11j-64.tgz sge-2011.11j-common.tgz
The cyclecloud cli must be configured. Documentation is available here:
Using the CLI, determine the url of the cloud locker for your installation, then use the pogo put command (installed with cyclecloud cli) to upload the installers to the locker.
$ cyclecloud locker list
azure-storage (az://myprojectwestus2/cyclecloud)
$ pogo put sge-2011.11j-64.tgz az://myprojectwestus2/cyclecloud/cache/projects/gridengine/blobs/
Copied: az://myprojectwestus2/cyclecloud/cache/projects/gridengine/blobs/sge-2011.11j-64.tgz
Processed: 1 | Transferred: 1 | Deleted: 0 | Failures: 0 | Average rate: 5.43 MBps
$ pogo put sge-2011.11j-common.tgz az://myprojectwestus2/cyclecloud/cache/projects/gridengine/blobs/
Copied: az://myprojectwestus2/cyclecloud/cache/projects/gridengine/blobs/sge-2011.11j-common.tgz
Processed: 1 | Transferred: 1 | Deleted: 0 | Failures: 0 | Average rate: 6.04 MBps
Add the following lines to your gridengine.txt template and modify it to use the OGE-Java installers instead of the default. NOTE: The details in the configuration, particularly version, should match the installer file name.
gridengine.make = sge
gridengine.version = 2011.11j
gridengine.root = /sched/sge/sge-2011.11j
These configs will override the default gridengine version and installation location, as the cluster starts. It is not safe to move off of the /sched as it's a specifically shared nfs location in the cluster.
Using the cyclecloud cli, import a cluster template from the modified gridengine.txt cluster template file.
cyclecloud import_cluster OGE-Java -c 'grid engine' -f gridengine.txt -t --force
Similar to this tutorial in the documentation, new OGE-Java cluster type is now available in the Create Cluster menu in the UI. Configure and create the cluster in the UI, save it, and start it.
As an example, start a cluster in CycleCloud that has been configured and is named "test-uge" or whatever you want to name it. When the master node reaches the Started state (green), log into the node with the cyclecloud connect command.
cyclecloud connect master -c test-uge
__ __ | ___ __ | __ __|
(___ (__| (___ |_, (__/_ (___ |_, (__) (__(_ (__|
Cluster: test-uge
Version: 7.7.5
Then check the grid engine version with qstat
qstat -h
OGS/GE 2011.11p1
usage: qstat [options]```