The Drop Bears' robot code for sysid in common mechanism types
We use uv
to manage our dependencies in our development environments.
This includes the Python version, and any Python packages such as wpilib
Install uv
by following the uv
After installing uv
, use it to create a virtual environment and install our dependencies.
uv sync
Then, download the roboRIO dependencies.
uv run python -m ensurepip
uv run robotpy --main <SYSID_PROJECT> sync --no-install
[pre-commit][] is configured to run our formatters and linters. These are enforced for all code committed to this project.
To use pre-commit, you must install it outside of this project's virtual environment.
Either use your system package manager, or use uv tool
uv tool install pre-commit
You can then set up the pre-commit hooks to run on commit:
pre-commit install
uv run robotpy --main <SYSID_PROJECT> sim
Once on robots network
uv run robotpy --main <SYSID_PROJECT> deploy
uv run robotpy --main <SYSID_PROJECT> test