Implementation of Walker's Alias method by Elixir. The algorithm is principally useful when you need to random sampling with replacement by O(1).
def deps do
{:alias_method, "~> 0.1.0"}
iex> weights = [1, 1, 8]
iex> table = AliasMethod.generate_table(weights)
iex> table
%AliasMethod.Table{alias_table: %{0 => 2, 1 => 2, 2 => 0}, length: 3, probability_table: %{0 => 0.3, 1 => 0.3, 2 => 1.0}}
iex> n = AliasMethod.choice(table)
iex> 0 <= n && n <= table.length
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Tomochika Hara - thara