Web automation is a web browser which can help automation the browser like fill text, click on button, extract the data, save file from web automatically by javascript only.
- Login to Gmail
- Open gmail: go('gmail.com');
- Wait 5 seconds: sleep(5, false);
- Fill username: fill("Email", "test");
- Wait 1 second: sleep(1, false);
- Fill password: fill("Passwd", "test");
- Wait 1 second: sleep(1, false);
- Click button Sign In: click("signIn");
- Waith 2 seconds: sleep(2, false);
- Get error message: var text = extract("errormsg_0_Passwd", "text");
- Show error: alert(text);
- Take website image
//Take Snapshot
- Location to save image: var location = getCurrentPath() + '\image.png';
- Save to image: takesnapshot(location);
- Replace web browser control
- Geckofx-Core.dll
- Geckofx-Winforms.dll
- xulrunner (folder)
- Using for texteditor
- SciLexer.dll
- SciLexer64.dll
- ScintillaNET.dll
- Working with excel file (xls)
- NPOI.dll
- Record your mouse and keyboard
- MouseKeyboardLibrary.dll
- Make sure all thirdparty exists in output folder
- Click WebAutomation.sln to open project
- Because all dll above was inorge when upload to github so please get it from links above.
- More Infomation