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cloned off mkdisk.c - this bypassed a series of pipes to create just …
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teuben committed Nov 28, 2024
1 parent 00be234 commit cc63fa8
Showing 1 changed file with 313 additions and 0 deletions.
313 changes: 313 additions & 0 deletions src/nbody/init/diskspectrum.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
* DISKSPECTRUM.C: combining mkdisk + snapmass + snaprotate + snapgriof
* to create a faster method for
* 24-nov-2024 cloned off mkdisk

#include <stdinc.h>
#include <getparam.h>
#include <vectmath.h>
#include <filestruct.h>
#include <history.h>
#include <potential.h>

#include <snapshot/snapshot.h>
#include <snapshot/body.h>

string defv[] = {
"out=???\n Output file name (spectrum)",
"nbody=2048\n Number of disk particles",

"potname=plummer\n Name of potential(5)",
"potpars=\n Parameters to potential(5); omega needed but not used",
"potfile=\n Optional data file with potential(5)",

"rmin=0\n Inner disk radius",
"rmax=1\n Outer cutoff radius",
"model=0\n Mass model (0=const 1=exp, 2=f... 3=dac)",

"frac=0\n Relative vel.disp w.r.t. local rotation speed",
"seed=0\n Usual random number seed",

"angle=f\n Regular angular distribution?",
"vrad=0\n radial velocity",
"energy=f\n preserve energy if random motions added?",
"abs=f\n Use absolute vel.disp instead of fractional?",
"z0=0,0\n Vertical scaleheight for density; use 2nd one for velocity dropoff if needed",
"vloss=-1\n Fractional loss of orbital speed at the scaleheight (<1 => Burkert)",

"inc=30\n Inclination to observe the disk at",

"vbeam=5\n FWHM of smoothing beam in velocity",
"vrange=400\n velocity gridding will be -vrange:vrange",
"nvel=200\n number of spectral pixels",

"headline=\n Text headline for output",
"VERSION=0.1\n 27-nov-2024 PJT",

string usage="global spectrum of a rotating thin disk";

local real rmin, rmax, mass;
local bool Qangle;
local bool Qenergy;
local bool Qabs;

local int ndisk;
local real frac[NDIM], vrad;
local Body *disk;

local proc potential;

local real z0_d; /* the old z0 */
local real z0_v; /* dropoff in velocity */
local real vloss;
local bool Qrandom;

local real sininc = 1.0;

/* old style */
// #define OLD_BURKERT 1

extern double xrandom(double,double), grandom(double,double);

local real took(real);
local void testdisk(void);
local void spectrum(void);

local real mysech2(real z)
real y = exp(z);
return sqr(2.0/(y+1.0/y));

local real pick_z(real z0)
real z = frandom(-6.0,6.0,mysech2) * z0;
return z;

local real pick_dv(real r, real z, real z0)
real dv = 1 - (1 + (z/z0) * tanh(z/z0))*(z0/r);
//real dv = tanh(z/z0);
//dv = sqrt(1 - ABS(dv));
real dv = ABS(z/z0);
//dv = sqrt(exp(-dv));
dv = exp(-dv);
dprintf(1,"PJT %g %g %g\n",r,z,dv);
return dv;

void nemo_main()
int nfrac, seed, nz;
real z0[2];

potential = get_potential(getparam("potname"),
getparam("potpars"), getparam("potfile"));
rmin = getdparam("rmin");
rmax = getdparam("rmax");
vrad = getdparam("vrad");
ndisk = getiparam("nbody");

/* z0= is now split in a density and velocity */
nz = nemoinpr(getparam("z0"),z0,2);
if (nz == 0)
z0[0] = z0[1] = 0.0;
else if (nz == 1)
z0[1] = 0.0;
z0_d = z0[0];
z0_v = z0[1];

vloss = getrparam("vloss");
if (z0_d > 0) {
if (vloss < 0)
dprintf(0,"Burkert et al 2010 streaming(z) model\n");
dprintf(0,"new style tanh(z) streaming model\n");
dprintf(0,"Toy streaming(z) model with vloss=%g\n",vloss);
nfrac = nemoinpr(getparam("frac"),frac,NDIM);
switch (nfrac) {
case 1:
frac[1] = frac[0];
frac[2] = 0.0;
case 2:
frac[2] = 0.0;
case 3:
error("%d: bad parsing frac=%s",nfrac,getparam("frac"));
dprintf(1,"frac: %g %g %g\n",frac[0],frac[1],frac[2]);
Qrandom = (frac[0]>0 || frac[1]>0 || frac[2]>0);
if (!Qrandom)
dprintf(0,"No random motions\n");

mass = 1.0 / ndisk;
seed = init_xrandom(getparam("seed"));
Qangle = getbparam("angle");
Qenergy = getbparam("energy");
Qabs = getbparam("abs");

* TESTDISK: use forces due to a potential to make a uniform
* density test disk.

void testdisk(void)
Body *dp;
real rmin2, rmax2, r_i, theta_i, vcir_i;
real dv_r, dv_t, sint, cost, vrandom;
real sigma_r, sigma_t, sigma_z;
vector acc_i;
int i, ncirc, ndim=NDIM;
double pos_d[NDIM], acc_d[NDIM], pot_d, time_d = 0.0;

disk = (Body *) allocate(ndisk * sizeof(Body));
rmin2 = rmin * rmin;
rmax2 = rmax * rmax;
theta_i = xrandom(0.0, TWO_PI);
for (dp=disk, i = 0, ncirc=0; i < ndisk; dp++, i++) { /* loop over all stars */
Mass(dp) = mass;
if (ndisk == 1)
r_i = rmin;
r_i = sqrt(rmin2 + i * (rmax2 - rmin2) / (ndisk - 1.0));
if (Qangle) {
theta_i += TWO_PI/ndisk;
} else {
theta_i = xrandom(0.0, TWO_PI);
cost = cos(theta_i);
sint = sin(theta_i);
Pos(dp)[0] = pos_d[0] = r_i * cost; /* set positions */
Pos(dp)[1] = pos_d[1] = r_i * sint;
Pos(dp)[2] = pos_d[2] = 0.0; /* it's a DISK ! */
(*potential)(&ndim,pos_d,acc_d,&pot_d,&time_d); /* get forces */
vcir_i = sqrt(r_i * absv(acc_i)); /* v^2 / r = force */
/* now cheat and rotate slower away from the plane */
if (z0_d > 0) {
if (vloss >= 0.0) {
// toy model (early sep 2017)
Pos(dp)[2] = grandom(0.0, 0.5 * z0_d);
vcir_i *= (1-vloss*ABS(Pos(dp)[2]/z0_d));
if (vcir_i < 0) vcir_i = 0.0; /* added dec 2017 */
} else {
// Burkert et al. 2010 model, doesn't need vloss= anymore, triggered when vloss < 0
Pos(dp)[2] = pick_z(z0_d);
vcir_i = vcir_i*vcir_i;
vcir_i *= pick_dv(r_i,Pos(dp)[2],z0_v);
if (vcir_i > 0)
vcir_i = sqrt(vcir_i);
vcir_i = 0.0;

#if 1
if (Qabs) {
if (Qrandom) {
sigma_r = grandom(0.0,frac[0]);
sigma_t = grandom(0.0,frac[1]);
sigma_z = grandom(0.0,frac[2]);
} else
sigma_r = sigma_t = sigma_z = 0.0;
Vel(dp)[0] = -vcir_i * sint ;
Vel(dp)[1] = vcir_i * cost ;
Vel(dp)[0] += cost*sigma_r - sint*sigma_t; /* add dispersions */
Vel(dp)[1] += sint*sigma_r + cost*sigma_t;
} else {
do { /* iterate, if needed, to get vrandom */
if (Qrandom) {
sigma_r = grandom(0.0,frac[0]*vcir_i);
sigma_t = grandom(0.0,frac[1]*vcir_i);
sigma_z = grandom(0.0,frac[2]*vcir_i);
} else
sigma_r = sigma_t = sigma_z = 0.0;
dv_t = sigma_t;
dv_r = sigma_r * took(r_i) ;
vrandom = sqrt(dv_t*dv_t + dv_r*dv_r);
if (vrandom > vcir_i) ncirc++;
} while (Qenergy && vrandom > vcir_i);
vcir_i = sqrt((vcir_i-vrandom)*(vcir_i+vrandom));
dv_r += vrad;
Vel(dp)[0] = -vcir_i * sint ;
Vel(dp)[1] = vcir_i * cost ;
Vel(dp)[0] += cost*dv_r - sint*dv_t; /* add dispersions */
Vel(dp)[1] += sint*dv_r + cost*dv_t;
if (Qrandom) {
sigma_r = grandom(0.0,frac[0]*vcir_i);
sigma_t = grandom(0.0,frac[1]*vcir_i);
sigma_z = grandom(0.0,frac[2]*vcir_i);
} else
sigma_r = sigma_t = sigma_z = 0.0;
dv_t = sigma_t;
dv_r = sigma_r * took(r_i) ;

/* Qenergy only uses radial motion: thus preserving the
* guiding center for epicycles ?? (Olling 2003)

if (Qenergy)
vcir_i = sqrt((vcir_i-dv_r)*(vcir_i+dv_r));
Vel(dp)[0] = -vcir_i * sint ;
Vel(dp)[1] = vcir_i * cost ;
Vel(dp)[0] += cost*dv_r;
Vel(dp)[1] += sint*dv_r;
if (!Qenergy) {
Vel(dp)[0] += -sint*dv_t;
Vel(dp)[1] += cost*dv_t;

Vel(dp)[2] = sigma_z;
Vel(dp)[1] *= sininc;
if (ncirc) dprintf(0,"Had to respin random %d times\n",ncirc);

* 2*omega/kappa; from spline interpolation.....

real took(real r)
return 1.0;

void spectrum(void)
double mtot = 0.0;
Body *dp;
int i;

for (dp=disk, i = 0; i < ndisk; dp++, i++) { /* loop over all stars */
mtot += Mass(dp);
printf("Total mass: %g ndisk=%d\n", mtot, ndisk);

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