This is Webflow-Automation-cli. A simple tool to export and commit to github from webflow.
to install:
clone project
npm install -g .
to install globally
Run by typing "webflow-automation"
Before you start, create a repo on github that is named the same as the webflow project. at the moment this must be done. plan on adding repo creation into the flow.
Just type the project name(lower case and seperated by a -. ex. "ralle-homes")
Then type commit message and hit enter
Thats it!
a .env file will need to be created and placed at the root of the project that includes:
USER_NAME= // this will be your git username
USER_PAT= // this is your github personal access token.
USER_EMAIL= // this should be the loggin email for webflow
USER_PASSWORD= // this is the webflow password
GHUB_EMAIL= //github email
GHUB_USERNAME= //github username