There might be a bokeh server already running on llruicms on port 50008 in this case to access it :
- if on LLR network, open http://llruicms01:5008
- if not on LLR network, use ssh to forward port 5008 :
ssh -NL 5008:llruicms01:5008 <your_username>
then open http://localhost:5008 Then choose either rechits, cluster2D or cluster3D
You need to install all the relevant packages using conda (see Conda installation). The environment is called clustering-analysis
conda env create -f environment.yml
Then you might want to activate it :
conda activate clustering-analysis
This is done in HgcalClue3DClusteringAnalysis repo
output files are stored in /grid_mnt/data_cms_upgrade/cuisset/testbeam18/clue3d/
Only needed once, when you change python version.
cd hists
cythonize -3 -i dataframe_cython.pyx
This fills multidimensional histograms using pandas from the output of CLUE3D (CLUE_clusters.root
is the working directory for input and output files. --clue-params
is a tag name for input ntuples (usually just set to cmssw
, as in CLUE3D parameters taken from CMSSW at the time of this work)
python --data-dir=/grid_mnt/data_cms_upgrade/cuisset/testbeam18/clue3d/$TAG_VERSION/ --clue-params=cmssw --datatype=data --save-metadata
python --data-dir=/grid_mnt/data_cms_upgrade/cuisset/testbeam18/clue3d/$TAG_VERSION/ --clue-params=cmssw --datatype=sim_proton_v46_patchMIP
Use all the notebooks scattered in the repository. Don't forget to update the input folder at the beginning of each notebook to use the input samples you want
is the main histogram-making script you want to use.
, clusters*.py
are old scripts designed to run a Bokeh server for interactive plot visualization. They are not used anymore, notebooks are used instead (they might still work but are a bit complicated to setup)
runs a Dash server for event visualization. It is used for the website for interactive event display at
Common code for bokeh and histogram projection, not specific to this analysis
Where all histograms are defined and loaded from pandas dataframe. TO create a new histogram, you should add the histogram itself in hist/
and the code to make the dataframe used for filling the histogram in hist/
main script to fill the histograms
Code for event visualization using Plotly and Dash (3D event displays as well as 2D layer views, both in notebooks and in web browser)
Study for energy regression using graph neural network
bokeh code common to all endpoints
endpoints for bokeh server, meant to be run using bokeh serve