is a set of ez (easy) to use javascript functions to call open-data sources such as openstreetmap, wikipedia or wikimedia.
It is tiny and has no dependencies.
It can work for javascript and/or typescript projects on the browser or with nodejs.
npm install ez-opendata
See restaurants in an area: demo or code demo
const cafeAndRestaurants = await openstreetmapGetPOIs('14.67,-17.46,14.71,-17.41', [
['amenity', 'cafe'],
['amenity', 'restaurant'],
Use openstreetmap nominatim to fetch coordonates of a place: demo
const res = await openstreetmapGeocoding('20 rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine, 75012 Paris')
const { lat, lng } = res.at(0)
Query pictures in an area: demo or code demo
const northEast = { lat: 14.71, lng: -17.41 }
const southWest = { lat: 14.67, lng: -17.47 }
const images = await wikimediaQuery(northEast, southWest)
Get a custom thumb image: demo
const pageId = 21900832
const height = 100
const with = 100
const { thumburl } = await wikimediaGetThumb(pageid, height, width)
Get wikipedia articles in an area: demo or code demo
const articles = wikipediaQuery(14.7, -17.4) // latitude longitude