This is a short example I made for a reddit user who was asking about the appropriate statistical method to use for an experiment the user was planning.
Original post:
"Hi I’m trying to do a research on whether a 3D printed heart model will improve my students’ learning in the medical field.
My plan is to have two groups of students to study for a test with and without the aid of the 3D printed heart model respectively. Their test score will be recorded and processed into a graph to be compared.
Another test will be held in six weeks on the same batch of students and scores will be recorded, processed and compared to their previous test scores. The goal is to check whether the 3d heart model will help students to remember what they have learnt.
My question is what type of graphs would be most suitable to analyse these results?"
I’ll assume that we’re comparing 2 different classes of equal size for this problem. I’ll also assume that any other potentially impactful variables of each student (e.g. sex, aptitude, temperament, etc.) are equally distributed between each class. I’ll say that you’ve got 25 students per class.
To note, the suggestion by user standard_error to use block randomization is a very good suggestion. I.e., this prevents all students in class A having the model while all students in class B lack the model. This entire class separation introduces method bias into your set-up that could only be alleviated by repeating this experiment over multiple semesters/years and randomizing which class is A or B. For the purposes of this demonstration, I’m going to assume that block randomization is not feasible (i.e. students would notice if half of their classmates have a model that they don’t get to use). If this is feasible, feel free to reach back out to me, and I can rewrite this script to account for that
df <- data.frame(student_id = c(1:50), #An arbitrary id variable that uniquely identifies each student
heart_model = c(rep("yes", 25), rep("no", 25)), #This variable designates the heart model and essentially designates class A vs. class B
test1_scores = c(rnorm(25, 85, 15), #I'm assuming that heart+ students will have a mean test score of 85 with standard deviation (sd) of 15
rnorm(25, 70, 15)) #I'm assuming that hear- students will have a mean test score of 70 with the same sd
df_cor <- df %>%
mutate(test1_scores = sapply(df$test1_scores, function(x)
ifelse(x > 100, 100, x))) %>% #this will cap scores at 100 if the rnorm function pushes them above 100
mutate(test2_scores = ifelse(heart_model == "yes",
yes = test1_scores + rnorm(25, -10, 5), #Test scores will only drop by 10 points with the heart model
no = test1_scores + rnorm(25, -20, 5))) #Test scores will drop by 15 points for no heart model
## student_id heart_model test1_scores test2_scores
## 1 1 yes 62.79149 52.57806
## 2 2 yes 100.00000 89.43665
## 3 3 yes 70.64883 62.93297
## 4 4 yes 71.19992 71.30160
## 5 5 yes 55.03537 39.78092
## 6 6 yes 80.91556 74.58882
Let’s plot the test 1 scores as a function of the heart model variable
ggplot(df_cor, aes(heart_model, test1_scores))+
geom_jitter(height = 0,
width = 0.1)+
ggtitle("Boxplot (Median and IQRs) of Test Scores")+
Alternatively, we could look at the mean and standard deviation
ggplot(df_cor, aes(heart_model, test1_scores))+
stat_summary(geom = "crossbar", = "mean_sdl",
fun.args = list(mult = 1))+
geom_jitter(height = 0,
width = 0.1)+
ggtitle("Mean and SD of Test Scores")+
Now let’s plot the change in scores over time
df_cor %>%
pivot_longer(cols = c(test1_scores, test2_scores),
names_to = "test",
values_to = "scores") %>%
color = heart_model
stat_summary(geom = "crossbar", = "mean_sdl",
fun.args = list(mult = 0),
width = 0.5)+
geom_line(aes(group = student_id), alpha = 0.2)+
geom_point(aes(group = student_id), size = 3, alpha = 0.5)+
ggtitle("Difference in Test Scores between Heart Model Groups")+
labs(caption = "Horizontal bars represent the group means")
Now, your question is: “Does the heart model improve student’s retention of the material?” You’re assessing whether there is an interaction between the use of the heart model and students’ abilities to perform on tests reviewing material they learned previously. We can test this using a two-way ANOVA mixed model (completely random on variable heart_model and repeated measures on variable test)
df_cor %>%
pivot_longer(cols = c(test1_scores, test2_scores),
names_to = "test",
values_to = "scores") %>%
mutate(student_id = as.factor(student_id),
test = as.factor(test)) %>%
ezANOVA(dv = scores,
wid = student_id,
between = heart_model,
within = test)
## Warning: Converting "heart_model" to factor for ANOVA.
## Effect DFn DFd F p p<.05 ges
## 2 heart_model 1 48 29.76708 1.679645e-06 * 0.37550009
## 3 test 1 48 592.02132 1.192361e-28 * 0.27284414
## 4 heart_model:test 1 48 95.70919 5.166872e-13 * 0.05719093
Here, from this ANOVA test, we see that there is a significant interaction between the use of the heart model and students’ performances on the two tests. The hypothesis test portion of this is done. It is not appropriate to test the main effects of each variable given that there is a significant interaction at play. Instead, we can just collect the descriptive summary statistics (ie the difference in means, sd, etc.) in a summary table.
df_cor %>%
pivot_longer(cols = c(test1_scores, test2_scores),
names_to = "test",
values_to = "scores") %>%
group_by(heart_model, test) %>%
summarise(mean = mean(scores), sd = sd(scores), range = max(scores) - min(scores),
best = max(scores)) %>%
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'heart_model'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
heart\_model | test | mean | sd | range | best |
no | test1\_scores | 68.49433 | 11.67543 | 53.93438 | 100.00000 |
no | test2\_scores | 48.02817 | 11.40422 | 46.91777 | 73.62970 |
yes | test1\_scores | 81.10342 | 12.27680 | 44.96463 | 100.00000 |
yes | test2\_scores | 72.37550 | 13.20723 | 59.98961 | 99.77053 |