Casting custom classes to another one what does it mean ? In php we cannot use custom classes for casting for example
$intVal = (integer) "12345"; //This is ok for php
$user = new User();
$user->id = 12345;
$supervisor = (Supervisor) $user; // This is not ok for php
Thats why i need to use a trait for casting operation it can be usable whole project.
class User{
public $userId;
public $password;
class Supervisor extends User{
use TCast;
public $salary;
$user = new User();
$user->userId = 12345;
$user->password = 54321;
$manager = Supervisor::cast($user);
echo $manager->id; //It will return 12345;
class User{
public $userId;
public $password;
class Supervisor extends User{
use TCast;
const MAPPING = ['userId'=>'supervisorId']; // first key source second is target.
public $salary;
public $supervisorId;
$user = new User();
$user->userId = 12345;
$user->password = 54321;
$manager = Supervisor::cast($user);
echo $manager->supervisorId; //It will return 12345;
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