Purpose of this tool is to provide a visual dependency overview of your program.
sudo apt-get install graphviz
go get github.com/tanmoyopenroot/go-dependency-graph
Simply execute main.go with one or more package names to visualize.
$ go run main.go const.go dot-graph.go generate-dependency-graph.go show-dependency-tree.go dot-template.go -show-std=true strings
Arguments: [strings]
├ errors
├ io
├ errors
└ sync
├ internal/race
└ unsafe
├ runtime
├ runtime/internal/atomic
└ unsafe
├ runtime/internal/sys
└ unsafe
├ sync/atomic
└ unsafe
└ unsafe
├ unicode
└ unicode/utf8
This generates a Graphviz's dot format file, to view execute the following:
$ dot -Tpng strings.dot -o strings.png
$ eog strings.png
Decide your dependency graph level and also choose whether to show standard library.
go run main.go const.go dot-graph.go generate-dependency-graph.go show-dependency-tree.go dot-template.go -show-std=true -level=1 fmt
Arguments: [fmt]
├ errors
├ io
├ math
├ os
├ reflect
├ strconv
├ sync
└ unicode/utf8
Remove packages from your dependency graph.
go run main.go const.go dot-graph.go generate-dependency-graph.go show-dependency-tree.go dot-template.go -show-std=true -ignore=sync,reflect,os fmt
Arguments: [fmt]
├ errors
├ io
├ errors
├ math
└ unsafe
├ strconv
├ errors
├ math
└ unsafe
└ unicode/utf8
└ unicode/utf8