Architectures storage:
- Storage is underpowered (# of cores or speed is not very great); Low-end edge computing; Types of operations supported are limited;
- Base layer and an intermediary (with more mem & compute power but with higher latency) that is doing client handling (buffering between the two);
Scale-out: handling 100k or 1000s of requests per second.
- what is worthwhile and what budget there is to parallelize. Typically many of these operations in terms of pushdown are not parallelizable;
- Many of the opreations are pushdown to a highly optimized specialized services for a particular operation (e.g. parsing, aggregation, filters, etc.);
CSV & Parquet
- Parsing a CSV can be broken into chunks although the bottleneck is the disk; But parsing a Parquet file has more indexing built into it; Especially if doing aggregation can be split more easily and do parallelism on them;
- Software fault isolation
- Fassm project OSS
- SQL queries + UDF → custom user impl; WASM user defined applications;
- Wasmtime is used by 50% of respondents, up from 36% in 2022, followed by Wasmer (40%, up from 36%), Wasm3 (18%, up from 14%), WasmEdge (15%, up from 7%), and WebAssembly Micro Runtime (WAMR) (12%, up from 6%). Wazeroo is used by 12% and it was not asked about in previous surveys.
- Wrap wasm sandbox into another container VM; Firecracker;
- Create a market place of WASM plugins that can manipulate raw data. e.g. implement table joins targeting specific tradeoffs;
- GSL is applied not MSR;
WASI spec https://wasi.dev/
Capability based security https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime/blob/main/docs/WASI-capabilities.md
- Binary tools https://github.com/webassembly/wabt
- https://github.com/WebAssembly/binaryen
- wasm-opt
- https://bytecodealliance.github.io/cargo-wasi/steps.html
- Datasets https://www.tablab.app/datasets/sample/parquet
- https://github.com/bheisler/criterion.rs
- https://github.com/quepas/Compiler-benchmark-suites
- https://github.com/bamos/parsec-benchmark
- https://github.com/kostya/benchmarks
- https://www.tu.berlin/aes/forschung/projekte/completed-projects/starbench-parallel-benchmark-suite
Rust wasm modules for npm https://rustwasm.github.io/docs/wasm-pack/
[✅ skim] Tutorial & Template for Rust-Wasm project targeting the web (wasm32-unknown-unknown): https://rustwasm.github.io/docs/book/
[✅ read] Tutorial Rust-Wasm compilation targeting non-web env (wasm32-wasi target + WASI POSIX env): https://blog.cloudflare.com/announcing-wasi-on-workers/
Wasm landscape https://landscape.cncf.io/wasm
✅ https://hacks.mozilla.org/2019/03/standardizing-wasi-a-webassembly-system-interface/
UDF functions https://www.pingcap.com/blog/how-webassembly-powers-databases-build-a-udf-engine-with-wasm/
Data formats:
- Different types of parquet files: https://www.legendu.net/misc/blog/read-and-write-parquet-files-in-rust/
- Parquet in Rust https://jorgecarleitao.medium.com/parquet-with-rust-336a667a9426
- Parquet info & wasm https://github.com/kylebarron/parquet-wasm/tree/main
- Benchmark multithread parquet https://wesmckinney.com/blog/python-parquet-multithreading/
- Arrow thread https://arrow.apache.org/docs/cpp/threading.html
- Mutlithread parquet2 Rust https://rustrepo.com/repo/jorgecarleitao-parquet2
- https://dkharazi.github.io/blog/parquet
Arrow2 implementation API; Guide
- Arrow2 Arrays are always immutable (at least not growable), thus no append operation is possible;
performance measurement wasm ("Exploit Parallelism for...") https://youtu.be/g8JHCcMc79s
WebAssembly Research Center https://www.cs.cmu.edu/wrc/
wasm blog
Performance analysis https://easyperf.net/blog/2019/10/05/Performance-Analysis-Of-MT-apps
- Parquet2 parallel read (deserialization)
- Parquet2 parallel write (deserialization + compression) error: RuntimeError: unreachable;`
- wasm64-unknown-unknown target for larger space x64
- performance under docker
- Intergrate benchmark implementations
- scales not linearily with array size growth (marshelling and copying data); Individual processes on chucks of data; Show that there is a big gap between wasm and native execution;
- analyse "bytecode", MT methodology,
- 64KiB memory page
- 2^16 * 64KiB = 4GiB bytes i.e. 32-bit address = 16-bits for pages & 16-bits dedicated for bytes
- mem spec https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/exec/runtime.html#memory-instances
- In the current version of WebAssembly, at most one memory is allowed in a module.
- Multiple-memory proposal: https://github.com/WebAssembly/multi-memory/blob/main/proposals/multi-memory/Overview.md
- shared-memory is imported to the module from the host: wasmerio/wasmer#2284
- memories: in current version only a single memory can be defined/imported in a single module;