This is a role that can be used to setup a multi-region/-project service on Openstack. It has been tested on SWITCHengines. Your mileage on any other Openstack installation may vary.
It can create and delete:
- networks
- routers
- security groups
- servers
- data volumes
- floating ips
- VIPs (for use with e.g. keepalived)
- server groups (e.g anti-affinity)
It allows for the definition of your virtual infrastructure in a declarative manner. E.g.
The definition for a VM with one data volume may look like this: (host_number is the host part of the IP address)
my_server1: { host_number: "11", networks: ["my_network"], flavor: "c1.small", image: "Ubuntu 16.04", root_size: "20", security_groups: "default,ssh", hints: {}, floating_ip: '' }
- { name: "data", name_prefix: "my_svc", state: "mounted", device: "/dev/vdb", size: "1024", fs: "xfs", owner: "root", group: "root", mode: "0755" }
You'd create it with:
ansible-playbooks -i inventory playbooks/infra_set_up.yml
Please have a look in the <repo>/example_service/
directory for an example service.
Christian Schnidrig [email protected]