This is a simple chat application that uses Kafka as a
message broker. The application is written in Python and
uses the confluent-kafka
library to interact with Kafka
and the textual
to create the chat interface in the terminal.
It was written as demonstration of how to use Kafka to create a chat application for a project course at Karlstad University.
To install the application you type
pip install chatwithkafka
It can also be installed from the source code by cloning the repository and running
pip install .
in the root directory of the repository.
The application uses a configuration file to specify the Kafka broker and the topic to use, as well as the optional Fernet symmetric key to use for encrypting the data. The configuration file is a JSON with this structure:
"kafkaconf" : {
"bootstrap.servers": "",
"security.protocol": "SASL_SSL",
"sasl.mechanisms": "PLAIN",
"sasl.username": "TRNHSNRJS5342HSKF",
"sasl.password": "DwQpxSDPnjvtc54mv6C4TBzmLfcfyA8EzAYgMjfRQTvmcUCZ7thnCpGV4jE622vd"
"topic": "chat",
"symmetric_key": "9gWFwrEng_gmYTz1uN_PlnlGs4te0MqIOObQFcsns3E="
Start the application by typing
chatwithkafka /path/to/config.json
You can also see options by typing
chatwithkafka --help
usage: chatwithkafka.exe [-h] [-u USER] [-t TOPIC] [--key KEY] config_file
Chat Terminal User Interface (TUI) with Kafka
positional arguments:
config_file Path to the JSON configuration file
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-u USER, --user USER User name to use in chat. If none is provided, the currently logged in user's name will be used
-t TOPIC, --topic TOPIC Topic to use for chat. Overrides the topic in the configuration file
--key KEY Symmetric Fernet key to use encrypting and decrypting messages. Overrides the key in the configuration file
Press Esc
to exit the chat application.
Using the cryptography
library, the application can
encrypt the message it sends as well as decrypt the messages it receives. The symmetric key
used for encryption and decryption is specified in the configuration file or
sent in as a command line argument (--key
). If no key is provided, then the messages
are sent in plain text.
There is a key generation tool also installed with the application. To generate a key, type
and it will provide a key (e.g. h1-lkBmvVizjEKpEAmirtvaWUmrwhNhe0xtgCeGe5FU=
) that can be shared with the other users of the chat,
in some other way of communicating than the chat itself.
Note that the encryption here is symmetric for simlicity's sake, so all users who want to communicate needs to have the same key as input to the program.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.