send me a pic on instagram if you install my rice<3 @swaipy_ my dwm rice with kitty spt spotifyd and pywal
- awesome fonts or nerd-fonts-complete / jetbrainsmono
- libxft-bgra for dmenu
- kitty & pywal
clone this repo
git clone cd eva01-rice
after this do
cd dwm
and please READ THE "config.h" FILE IS WHERE ARE ALL THE KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS (recommendation: edit it with your own kb shourcuts please) and run
sudo make install
do the same thing with slstatus/ and dmenu/
to install the kitty conf just
cp .config/kitty/kitty.conf ~/.config/kitty/
replace the /home/swaipy/ with your username and zsh with your shell!!
if you're using lightdm you need to do this to use dwm:
to use my colorscheme just install pywal
use: yay -s pywal
if you're in arch, idk how it works in others distro tbh
to run pywal wal -i path/file.png
to use spt you need a lightweidth client so install spotifyd:
to display imagines in terminal with kitty in neo fetch use this: neofetch --backend kitty --source path/file.png
lyrics in terminal:
text editor: nvim
my dwm, slstatus and dmenu configs are based in luke's smith configs! please check his github: so thank you so much luke! your videos showed me a world that Im now passionate about