This repo contains both a library for benchmarking Weaviate e2e as well as a CLI tool that makes use of the same library
- 📊 results and context can be found in the Weaviate documentation
- 💬 discuss the results on our Slack channel or Twitter
Spin up two machines:
Machine description | CPU type | CPUs | Memory | Disk size | Disk type | Misc. |
Machine to run Weaviate | c2 | 30 | 120GB | 500GB | SSD | Ubuntu 22.04 with Docker-compose |
Machine to run benchmark script | N2 | 8 | 64GB | 500GB | SSD | Ubuntu 22.04 with Docker-compose |
Clone this repo and cd into it $ git clone && cd weaviate-benchmarking
Run the following command to spin up Weaviate: $ docker-compose up weaviate -d
Copy the interal IP address and amount of CPU cores this machine has.
Check if the Weaviate machine is available: $ http://{IP OF WEAVIATE INSTANCE}/v1/meta
. Note that the instance runs on port 8080
, e.g.,
Clone this repo and cd into it $ git clone && cd weaviate-benchmarking
Download the files into a benchmark-data folder as outlined below.
$ mkdir benchmark-data && \
curl -o ./benchmark-data/deep-image-96-angular.hdf5 && \
curl -o ./benchmark-data/mnist-784-euclidean.hdf5 && \
curl -o ./benchmark-data/gist-960-euclidean.hdf5 && \
curl -o ./benchmark-data/glove-25-angular.hdf5
Update the following lines in docker-compose.yml.
dockerfile: Dockerfile-ann # <== update this line
Update the file: ./benchmark-scripts/ann/
. weaviate_url
should be set to the Weaviate instance and CPUs
should be set to the amount of CPUs on the machine running Weaviate.
Build the container: $ docker-compose build --no-cache
Run the container: $ docker-compose up benchmark-ann -d
The benchmark container will ouput files in the format: results/weaviate_benchmark__{benchmark file}__{ef constructuin}__{max connections}.json
You can update the HNSW build config for this benchmark here.
Follow these steps in the Weaviate docs to create a Weaviate Kubernetes cluster.
Our K8s setup:
- 5 pods
- Per pod
- 320 RAM - 80 CPU
- SSD 960gb
Update weaviate_url
in benchmark-scripts/ann-1B/ to reflect the URL of the cluster.
Create a machine with >= 16 CPUs, 16 GB in memory, and a 200 GB SSD. The import will run from this machine.
Clone this repo and cd into it $ git clone && cd weaviate-benchmarking
Download the files into a benchmark-data folder as outlined below.
$ mkdir benchmark-data && \
curl -o ./benchmark-data/sift-128-euclidean.hdf5
Update the following lines in docker-compose.yml.
dockerfile: Dockerfile-ann1b # <== update this line
Build the container: $ docker-compose build --no-cache
Run the container: $ docker-compose up -d
The benchmark container will ouput files in the format: results/weaviate_benchmark__{benchmark file}__{ef constructuin}__{max connections}.json
Clone this repo and cd into it $ git clone && cd weaviate-benchmarking
Spin up a beefy machine, we've used a 32 CPU, 400GB Memory, 1000 GB SSD persistent disk that has Docker installed.
dockerfile: Dockerfile-ii # <== update this line
coming soon
coming soon
Once installed (see-below), the tools tries to be entirely self-documenting. Every command has a -h
help option that can tell you where to go from there. For example, start with a root help command running benchmarker -h
and it will print something like the following output to tell you where to go from there:
A Weaviate Benchmarker
benchmarker [flags]
benchmarker [command]
Available Commands:
dataset Benchmark vectors from an existing dataset
help Help about any command
random-text Benchmark nearText searches
random-vectors Benchmark nearVector searches
-h, --help help for benchmarker
Use "benchmarker [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Once you picked the command you're interested in, you can again use the help command to learn about the flags, for example running benchmarker dataset -h
results in the following output:
Specify an existing dataset as a list of query vectors in a .json file to parse the query vectors and then query them with the specified parallelism
benchmarker dataset [flags]
-a, --api string The API to use on benchmarks (default "graphql")
-c, --className string The Weaviate class to run the benchmark against
-f, --format string Output format, one of [text, json] (default "text")
-h, --help help for dataset
-l, --limit int Set the query limit (top_k) (default 10)
-u, --origin string The origin that Weaviate is running at (default "http://localhost:8080")
-o, --output string Filename for an output file. If none provided, output to stdout only
-p, --parallel int Set the number of parallel threads which send queries (default 8)
-q, --queries string Point to the queries file, (.json)
-w, --where string An entire where filter as a string
Not supported yet, there is no CI pipeline yet that pushes artifacts
Print the available commands
cd benchmarker
go run . help
An example command
go run . random-vectors -c MyClass -d 384 -q 10000 -p 8 -a graphql -l 10
or the same command with the long-style flags:
go run . \
random-vectors \
--className MyClass \
--dimensions 384 \
--queries 10000 \
--parallel 8 \
--api graphql \
--limit 10
cd benchmarker && go install .
(Make sure your PATH
is configured correctly to run go-install-ed binaries)
Run an example command
benchmarker random-vectors -c MyClass -d 384 -q 10000 -p 8 -a graphql -l 10
or the same command with the long-style flags:
benchmarker \
random-vectors \
--className MyClass \
--dimensions 384 \
--queries 10000 \
--parallel 8 \
--api graphql \
--limit 10
- support random vectors
- support specific vectors from json input file
- print results as json
- store results to file
- take in ground-truth file to calculate recall
- add versioning
- pre-build binaries on CI and attach them to releases