Check out analysis recipe as described in
#HadronicTau code
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
git clone -b Moriond2017 [email protected]:susy2015/HadronicTau.git
scram b -j9
cd HadronicTau/Tool/
source $CMSSW_BASE/src/SusyAnaTools/Tools/setup.csh
#To check the control sample distribution, run CS
##Running interactively
./CS TTbarSingleLepT -1 0 1
TTbarSingleLepT is sample name, -1 is the number of events to be run, 0 and 1 are start and end root files respectively.
It will create a root file with naming convention TTbarSingleLepT_CS0.root(0 for start file) which contains all the histograms.
##Running in condor
cd condorCS
./ -d TTbarSingleLep -n 10
TTbarSingleLep: sample set, 10 is number of files per job.
#To check the hadtau and lostlepton yield distribution, run HadTauLL
./HadTauLL TTbarSingleLepT -1 0 1
Condor jobs can be submitted in similar way as CS. One similar condor directory needs to be created.