- Install Slither using the following command in Terminal:
pip3 install slither-analyzer
- After installation is complete, you can check if Slither is properly installed by running the following command:
slither --help
- Install mythril via docker
docker pull mythril/myth
- Scan contract file via command
docker run -v $(pwd):/tmp mythril/myth analyze /tmp/contract.sol
Scanning contract gives the following result
** Assuming you are in currect directory where the contract code is located , for example, above command is run from /Documents/contract directory.
** Allow the file access settings to docker container for current directory.
- Install smartcheck using the following command in Terminal:
docker pull deepsecurity/smartcheck-scan-action
- Install Oyente using the following command in Terminal after running docker in background:
docker pull luongnguyen/oyente
- Check if oyente is installed or not by using the command:
docker ps -a
- If the list contains oyente then it has been installed
- To run oyente run command:
docker run -i -t luongnguyen/oyente
Install osiris via docker
docker pull christoftorres/osiris && docker run -i -t christoftorres/osiris
Test the contract via following command
python osiris/osiris.py -s datasets/SimpleDAO/SimpleDAO_0.4.19.sol
Evaluate a local solidity contract
python osiris.py -s <contract filename>
This is an open source project for linting Solidity code. This project provides both Security and Style Guide validations. We have used it to find some vulnerabilties in our list of contract
- re entrancy
- avoid-tx-origin ( list of available rules for solhint - https://protofire.github.io/solhint/docs/rules.html )
** How to install and run solhint
- npm install -g solhint
- solhint --version ( verify that it was installed correctly )
- solhint --init ( First initialize a configuration file, if you don’t have one )
- solhint 'contracts/**/*.sol' (to lint all files inside contracts directory)
Reentrancy : In the reentrancy attack (a.k.a. recursive call attack), a malicious contract calls back into the calling contract before the first invocation of the function is finished. This may cause the different invocations of the function to interact in undesirable ways.It is called as RENT.
Locked_Ether : The locked Ether bug occurs in contracts that can receive ether but do not allow users to extract ether from them (nor to destroy them). In the smartcheck tool it was named as SOLIDITY_LOCKED_MONEY.
This directory contains all the scripts used for analysing the vulnerabilities
- parser contains the necessary files to run main.py
- ExtFromEtherScan.py is used to extract all(9252) the solidity files from etherscan website in json format
- effective.py is used to find the false positive percentage and accuracy of the results analysed
- extract_locked_ether_vul.py is used to extract the report for Locked_ether vulnerability only out of all the vulnerabilities produced using smartcheck
- extract_rent_from_solhint.py is used to extract the the report for reentrancy along with line no. and column no.
- filterContractAddress.py is used to extract top 500 smart contracts from the pool on the basis of ether value
- json_to_sol.py is used to convert all the downloades smart contracts in json format to .sol format
- main.py is used to create .sol.json for all the solidity files to use in run_slither.sh
- run_all_slither.sh is used to run the run_slither.sh for all the contracts present in that directory
- run_main.sh is used to run main.py for all the .sol.json files present in the directory
- run_slither.sh is used to parse the output for slither and smartcheck
After running 'slither' for contracts to check 'Reentrancy vulnerability' and 'smartcheck' for 'Locked ether vulnerability' we manually checked it and marked 1 when the tool result is true and marked 0 when tool result is false. 1.In sheet1 we have results of slither analysis for reentrancy. 2.In sheet2 we have results of smartcheck for locked ether. Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JK0YLFXiWtAPtO1pG4Csj1s-Lg6DdedMdEb4aV3Rfn0/edit?usp=sharing
@sujeetc (Sujeet Chauhan) scrawlD
- Susovan Patra
- Mannu Kumar Gaddhyan
- SUmit Patel