This repository provides the source code for EvalNE, an open-source Python library designed for assessing and comparing the performance of Network Embedding (NE) methods on Link Prediction (LP) tasks. The library intends to simplify this complex and time consuming evaluation process by providing automation and abstraction of tasks such as hyper-parameter tuning, selection of train and test edges, negative sampling, selection of the scoring function, etc.
The library can be used both as a command line tool and an API. In its current version, EvalNE can evaluate unweighted directed and undirected simple networks.
The library is maintained by Alexandru Mara (alexandru.mara(at) The full documentation of EvalNE is hosted by Read the Docs and can be found here.
A command line interface in combination with a configuration file allows the user to evaluate any publicly available implementation of a NE method without the need to write additional code. These implementations can be obtained from libraries such as OpenNE or GEM as well as directly from the web pages of the authors e.g. Deepwalk, Node2vec, LINE, PRUNE, Metapath2vec, CNE.
EvalNE also includes the following LP heuristics for both directed and undirected networks (in and out node neighbourhoods), which can be used as baselines:
- Random Prediction
- Common Neighbours
- Jaccard Coefficient
- Adamic Adar Index
- Preferential Attachment
- Resource Allocation Index
When used as an API, EvalNE provides functions to:
- Load and preprocess graphs
- Obtain general graph statistics
- Compute train/test/validation splits
- Generate false edges
- Evaluate link prediction from:
- Node Embeddings
- Edge Embeddings
- Similarity scores (e.g. the ones given by LP heuristics)
- Provides functions that compute edge embeddings from node feature vectors
- Average
- Hadamard
- Weighted L1
- Weighted L2
- Any sklearn binary classifier can be used as a LP algorithm
- Implements several accuracy metrics.
- Includes parameter tuning subroutines
The library has been tested on Python 2.7 and Python 3.6.
EvalNE depends on the following packages:
- Numpy
- Scipy
- Sklearn
- Matplotlib
- Networkx 2.2
Before installing EvalNE make sure that pip
and python-tk
packages are installed
on your system, this can be done
by running:
# Python 2
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo apt-get install python-tk
# Python 3
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo apt-get install python3-tk
Option 1: Install the library using pip:
# Python 2
pip install evalne
# Python 3
pip3 install evalne
Option 2: Cloning the code and installing:
Clone the EvalNE repository:
git clone cd EvalNE
Download strict library dependencies and install:
# Python 2 pip install -r requirements.txt sudo python install # Python 3 pip3 install -r requirements.txt sudo python3 install
Check the installation by running
# Python 2
cd examples/
# Python 3
cd examples/
NOTE: In order to run the
script, the
OpenNE library, PRUNE and Metapath2Vec are required. The instructions for installing
them are available
here, here,
and here,
respectively. The instructions on how to run evaluations using .ini files are
provided in the next section.
The library takes as input an .ini configuration file. This file allows the user to specify the evaluation settings, from the methods and baselines to be evaluated to the edge embedding methods, parameters to tune or scores to report.
An example conf.ini
file is provided describing the available options
for each parameter. This file can be either modified to simulate different
evaluation settings or used as a template to generate other .ini files.
Additional configuration (.ini) files are provided replicating the experimental
sections of different papers in the NE literature. These can be found in different
folders under examples/
. One such configuration file is
. This file simulates the link prediction
experiments of the paper "Scalable Feature Learning for Networks" by A. Grover
and J. Leskovec.
Once the configuration is set, the evaluation can be run as indicated in the next subsection.
In order to run the evaluations using the provided conf.ini
or any other .ini
file, the following steps are necessary:
Download/Install the methods you want to test:
Download the datasets used in the examples:
- For
: - For other .ini files you may need:
- Facebook (combined network)
- Facebook-wallpost
- ArXiv Astro-Ph
- ArXiv Hep-Ph
- BlogCatalog
- Wikipedia
- For
Set the correct dataset paths in the INPATHS option of the corresponding .ini file. And the correct method paths under METHODS_OPNE and/or METHODS_OTHER options.
Run the evaluation:
# For conf.ini run: python evalne ./examples/conf.ini # For conf_node2vec.ini run: python evalne ./examples/node2vec/conf_node2vec.ini
Note: The input networks for EvalNE are required to be in edgelist format.
The library can be imported and used like any other Python module. Next we
present a very basic example, for more complete ones we refer the user to the
from evalne.evaluation import evaluator
from evalne.preprocessing import preprocess as pp
# Load and preprocess the network
G = pp.load_graph('../evalne/tests/data/network.edgelist')
G, _ = pp.prep_graph(G)
# Create an evaluator and generate train/test edge split
nee = evaluator.Evaluator()
_ = nee.traintest_split.compute_splits(G)
# Set the baselines
methods = ['random_prediction', 'common_neighbours', 'jaccard_coefficient']
# Evaluate baselines
# Check if OpenNE is installed
import openne
# Set embedding methods from OpenNE
methods = ['node2vec', 'deepwalk', 'GraRep']
commands = [
'python -m openne --method node2vec --graph-format edgelist --p 1 --q 1',
'python -m openne --method deepWalk --graph-format edgelist --number-walks 40',
'python -m openne --method grarep --graph-format edgelist --epochs 10']
edge_emb = ['average', 'hadamard']
# Evaluate embedding methods
for i in range(len(methods)):
command = commands[i] + " --input {} --output {} --representation-size {}"
nee.evaluate_cmd(method_name=methods[i], method_type='ne', command=command,
edge_embedding_methods=edge_emb, input_delim=' ', output_delim=' ')
except ImportError:
print("The OpenNE library is not installed. Reporting results only for the baselines...")
# Get output
results = nee.get_results()
for result in results:
The library can provide two types of outputs, depending on the value of the SCORES option
of the configuration file. If the keyword all is specified, the library will generate a
file named eval_output.txt
containing for each method and network analysed all the
metrics available (auroc, precision, f-score, etc.). If more than one experiment repeat
is requested the values reported will be the average over all the repeats. The output
file will be located in the same path from which the evaluation was run.
Setting the SCORES option to %(maximize)
will generate a similar output file as before.
The content of this file, however, will be a table (Alg. x Networks) containing exclusively
the score specified in the MAXIMIZE option for each combination of method and network
averaged over all experiment repeats.
Additionally, if the option TRAINTEST_PATH contains a valid filename, EvalNE will create a file with that name under each of the OUTPATHS provided. In each of these paths the library will store the true and false train and test sets of edge.
NOTE: The tabular output is not available for mixes of directed and undirected networks.
If you have found EvaNE useful in your research, please cite our arXiv paper:
author = {Alexandru Mara and Jefrey Lijffijt and Tijl De Bie},
title = {EvalNE: A Framework for Evaluating Network Embeddings on Link Prediction},
year = {2019},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
eprint = {1901.09691}