To establish your building environment, ensure that you are operating a 64-bit Linux distribution and have installed necessary packages for building Android. Preferably, use Ubuntu as recommended by Google. Follow the system setup instructions, including Ubuntu-specific commands, available on the Android Open Source Project website.
After configuring your machine, return here to proceed with the subsequent instructions.
Repo is a tool provided by Google that simplifies using Git in the context of the Android source.
# Make a directory where Repo will be stored and add it to the path
$ mkdir ~/.bin
$ PATH=~/.bin:$PATH
# Download Repo itself
$ curl > ~/.bin/repo
# Make Repo executable
$ chmod a+x ~/.bin/repo
# Establish a directory for the source files
# Choose any name for this directory, but ensure to substitute
# WORKSPACE with your chosen name throughout this guide.
# The directory can be placed in any location, as long as the file system is case-sensitive.
# Init Repo in the created directory
# Use a real name/email combination, if you intend to submit patches
$ repo init -u -b unity
Or alternatively if you do not intend to submit patches and/or have limited network/disk space resources:
$ repo init -u -b unity --depth=1
This is what you will run each time you want to pull in upstream changes. Keep in mind that on your first run, it is expected to take a while as it will download all the required Android source files and their change histories.
# Let the Repo sync begin
# The -j# option specifies the number of concurrent download threads to run.
# If your don't have connection that is fast enough or you are facing some sync
# errors, you may need to adjust this value (e.g -j 2)
$ repo sync -c -j$(nproc --all) --force-sync --no-clone-bundle --no-tags
The bundled builder tool ./
handles all the building steps for the specified device
automatically. As the device value, you specify the devices codename (for example,'bonito'
for the Pixel 3a XL).
# Go to the root of your build env...
# ...and run the builder tool.
To learn about the advanced build options:
$ ./ --help
Your contributions are always valued! Please submit your patches to our Gerrit.