target file: config/development.json.sample
- change the filename to development.json and hardcode the environment variables values to be used in development
"jwtPrivateKey": <jwt key>,
"mongoURI": <mongodb connection string>,
"pgURL": <postgres connection string>,
"PORT": <port to the server on>
set NODE_ENV=development
in default.js or in the environment to use these configurations
warning : hardcoded configurations will be overridden if the environment variables are set
target file: config/production.json.sample
- change the filename to production.json and hardcode the environment variables values to be used in production
"jwtPrivateKey": <jwt key>,
"mongoURI": <mongodb connection string>,
"pgURL": <postgres connection string>,
"PORT": <port to the server on>
set NODE_ENV=production
in default.js or in the environment to use these configurations
warning : hardcoded configurations will be overridden if the environment variables are set
config/default.json contains the common variables for all the environments, variables are hardcoded
warning : hardcoded configurations will be overridden if the environment variables are set
gets the configuration data from the environment variables
key = key to be used in the app
value = actual name of the env variable
const config = require("config");
var <variable_name> = config.get('key1');