[ Status: Draft Code in Time ]
- TypeScript
- TSX syntax template
- Styling with Vue-Styled-Components
- Yarn WorkSpaces
- Vue3
- Composition API extend to allow safe control of mutations
- Vite
- Pinia
- Vue-Styled-Components
- develop @sujii/vue-styled-components froked from styled-components
- @types/vue-styled-components
- Fetch/XHR Manager
- Axios Instance Provider
- Error Manager
- Logger
- Sync logs With Sentry.io(or any other Cloud logStrages)
- API-Client
- Simple-API-Server
- TypeScript-Models-Generator from OpenAPI
- StoryBook-Server
- to Sync Styles with Figma
- MiddleWares
- Cypress
- for e2e Unit Test
- SwaggerUI
- Cypress