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Data Set Input

Sugeerth Murugesan edited this page Aug 1, 2016 · 4 revisions

Data Set Input

Data Set Format

Please see the for the entering the data paths """ matrix_filename is a CSV file as:


The first row indicates the brain region names separated by "," with quotechar "'". The number of columns indicate the number of brain regions "N" to be analyzed. The next "N" rows have "N" columns. The input data has to be symmetric as the edges in the graph are directed. Values are comma separated

"template_filename", "parcelation_filename" is a NIFTY file with nifty image headers where the pixel dimensions are specified. One might face some problems here if there is a vtk version mismatch. The vtk versions >5 supports vtkNiftyImageReader(), while other versions do not support such a function.

template_filename provides with the outer brain atlas of the regions
parcelation_filename provides the parcellation of the brain regions

e.g. path

matrix_filename = '/PATH_TO_YOUR_DATA/27nodeMatrix.csv'

Make sure the parcellation files are in the nibabel format

Data Paths Format

template_filename = '/PATH_TO_YOUR_TEMPLATE_FILE'
parcelation_filename = '/PATH_TO_YOUR_PARCELATION_FILE'

e.g. path

matrix_filename = '/PATH_TO_YOUR_DATA/27nodeMatrix.csv'

Setting Flags

set the flag data around here for convenience, if you want to switch on or off the other windows whenever you want

  GraphWindowShowFlag = True
  MainWindowShowFlag = True
  CorrelationTableShowFlag = True
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