FeatureFlip provides a declarative, layered way of enabling and disabling application functionality at run-time.
This gem optimizes for:
- developer ease-of-use,
- visibility and control for other stakeholders (like marketing); and
- run-time performance
There are three layers of strategies per feature:
- default
- database, to flip features site-wide for all users
- cookie, to flip features just for you (or someone else)
There is also a configurable system-wide default - !Rails.env.production?` works nicely.
Rails >= 4.0
# Gemfile
gem "feature_flip"
# Generate the model and migration
> rails g feature_flip:install
# Run the migration
> rake db:migrate
# Include the Feature model, e.g. config/initializers/feature.rb:
require 'feature'
# This is the model class generated by rails g feature_flip:install
class Feature < ActiveRecord::Base
extend FeatureFlip::Declarable
# The recommended FeatureFlip strategy stack.
strategy FeatureFlip::CookieStrategy
strategy FeatureFlip::DatabaseStrategy
strategy FeatureFlip::DefaultStrategy
default false
# A basic feature declaration.
feature :shiny_things
# Override the system-wide default.
feature :world_domination, default: true
# Enabled half the time..? Sure, we can do that.
feature :flakey,
default: proc { rand(2).zero? }
# Provide a description, normally derived from the feature name.
feature :something,
default: true,
description: "Ability to purchase enrollments in courses"
or the dynamic predicate methods are used to check feature state:
FeatureFlip.on? :world_domination # true
FeatureFlip.world_domination? # true
FeatureFlip.on? :shiny_things # false
FeatureFlip.shiny_things? # false
Views and controllers use the feature?(key)
<% if feature? :world_domination %>
<%= link_to "Dominate World", world_dominations_path %>
<% end %>
The FeatureFlip::ControllerFilters
module is mixed into the base ApplicationController
class. The following controller will respond with 404 Page Not Found to all but the index
action unless the :something
feature is enabled:
class SampleController < ApplicationController
require_feature :something, :except => :index
def show
def index
The dashboard provides visibility and control over the features.
The gem includes some basic styles:
= content_for :stylesheets_head do
= stylesheet_link_tag "feature_flip"
You probably don't want the dashboard to be public. Here's one way of implementing access control.
class Admin::FeaturesController < FeatureFlip::FeaturesController
before_action :assert_authenticated_as_admin
class Admin::StrategiesController < FeatureFlip::StrategiesController
before_action :assert_authenticated_as_admin
namespace :admin do
resources :features, only: [ :index ] do
resources :strategies, only: [ :update, :destroy ]
mount FeatureFlip::Engine => "/admin/features"
You can optimize your feature to ensure that it doesn't make a ton of feature calls by adding Cacheable to your model.
extend FeatureFlip::Cacheable
This will ensure that your features are eager loaded with one call to the database instead of every call to FeatureFlip#on? generating a call to the database. This is helpful if you have a larger Rails application and more than a few features defined.
To start or reset the cache, just call #start_feature_cache.