"In a Galaxy far, far away on a planet called Sam lives a species called Sung that is very different from humans. They only have 3 fingers instead of 5. As a result, they use different numerical system than inhabitants of planet Earth. Sungs only recognize shades of green and are very keen on seeing your solution for a base 6 calculator implemented using React Native technology."
- "They only have 3 fingers instead of 5"
- "only recognize shades of green"
- "base 6 calculator"
- Assumption: The user has 3 literal fingers, so no thumb.
- Assumption: All colors used must be some recongnizable shade of green.
- Assumption: Numbers are entered in base6 and always viewed in base6.
In order to combine my assumptions and the requirements, I'm going to do this in the following way:
- All colors will be shades of green
- Numbers will appear only in heximal form
- I'll assume the user holds their three fingers over the screen and presses all the buttons in the left column with left finger, middle column - middle finger, and right column - right finger
- It works with fractions
- It will handle negative Numbers
- Will handle order of operations, left to right BEDMAS
- If you divide by 0, the result is Infinity
npm install
react-native run-ios
orreact-native run-android
npm run test