This repository provides codes for the SRBD particle method for reaction-diffusion problems described in the paper:
Efficient Reactive Brownian Dynamics, A. Donev, C.-Y. Yang and C. Kim. arXiv:1710.02232 (2017) arXiv.
This documentation is not very complete and the codes are research codes written for a summer undergraduate research project. Nevertheless, the code is rather efficient and sufficiently flexible that we hope you find it of use -- contact Aleksandar Donev with any questions. Note that this code only works for periodic systems.
The code uses in a non-essential way the HydroGrid
library to generate random numbers and analyze the results, so you must get that library first. It is not difficult to remove this dependency and customize the code to your own needs.
The names used in the code are not the same as those used in the paper, for example, the types of reactions. Notably, SRBD is called IRDME in the code (for Isotropic Reaction-Diffusion Master Equation, after the I-DSMC algorithm that the method is based on), and what the paper calles S-BD-RME is called (somewhat misleadingly) RDME. The key difference with the RDME is that in our code particles diffuse off latice. Nevertheless, for completeness, we have also implemented particles hopping on a lattice, however, this code is not efficient for this purpose. Instead, for an efficient RDME code please consult the (parallel) fluctuating hydrodynamics code FHD_ReactDiff.
The code is written in Fortran 95 with some extensions from Fortran 2003, and can be compiled with gfortran or any modern Fortran compiler. We provide a Makefile
so that simply executing make
should work once you edit the top of the Makefile
to select your compiler and the location of HydroGrid
. Successful compilation will generate the executable DOI.exe
The code was written on top of a DSMC code and it is not as modular as it could be. Most importantly, there are some constants that are hard-wired as Fortran parameter
values, and need to specified at compile time and not at runtime. This is not hard to improve and if you do it please let us know. In particular, you need to edit the following lines at the top of the main source code `DoiBoxModule.f90' each time you want to study a new problem:
integer, parameter :: nSpecies = 3, nReactions = 2 ! For example, A+B->C, C->A+B
integer, parameter :: nDimensions = 2 ! Run in 1, 2 or 3 dimensions
integer, dimension (0:nMaxDimensions), parameter :: neighborhoodSize = (/9, 1, 1, 0/) ! 2D
Note that we provide the 3 required values of neighborhoodSize
, so just remove the comment mark !
for the line corresponding to nDimensions
and comment out the remaining lines.
The code uses the HydroGrid
library -- the routines UniformRNG
and UniformRNGVec
to generate standard random numbers uniformly distributed in [0,1), the routine NormalRNG
to provide normally-distributed numbers, and the routine UniformInteger
to generate a random integer from a given interval. The routine PoissonRNG
is only used for initialization. By replacing these routines with your own you can switch to another Random Number Generator (RNG).
Note that this particle code is serial and it is nontrivial to parallelize it due to its event-driven nature. There are comments in the code marked PARALLEL
for those parts that are easy to parallelize using OpenMP; if you do that please let us know.
The input parameters are set via an input file that takes the form of a Fortran namelist file. An example with some comments is provided in DoiDriverOptions.nml
. Most of the input fields should be obvious but not all. The namelist DoiDriverOptions
is read by main.f90
and sets some basic parameters like number of time steps and how often to save statistics. The main namelist is DoiBoxOptions
which sets all of the parameters for the SRBD algorithm.
The reaction network is specified in terms of stochiometric coefficients for each species on the left and right hand side of a reaction via the array reactionNetwork(nSpecies,2,nReactions)
. The maximum allowed number of reactants is 2 (binary reactions). As an example, the Baras-Pearson-Mansour (BPM) model described in the paper, with species UVW
and the 7-reaction network:
(1) U + W --> V + W
(2) V + V --> W
(3) W --> V + V
(4) V --> 0
(5) 0 --> V
(6) U --> 0
(7) 0 --> U
is entered in the input file as:
reactionNetwork(1:3,1:2,1:7) = 1 0 1, 0 1 1; 0 2 0, 0 0 1; 0 0 1, 0 2 0; 0 1 0, 0 0 0; 0 0 0, 0 1 0; 1 0 0, 0 0 0; 0 0 0, 1 0 0
Note that Fortran is rather flexible with the formatting and one split this input into multiple lines (but some compilers may be more picky), for example, the first reaction U + W --> V + W
can be specified on its own line as:
reactionNetwork(1:3,1:2,1) = 1 0 1, 0 1 1
One thing that is likely to be confusing at first is the fact that the code distinguishes between two kinds of grids and thus grid cells. The first is a hydro or sampling grid used in initialization and for collecting statistics. It is how particle data is converted into data on a grid for potential coupling to continuum fluid solvers and for output of plot files via HydroGrid
. This grid has nothing to do per se with the Doi or reaction grid used to process reactions (called collisions in the code), which can be finer. These two grids must be commensurate in the sense that:
nBlockingSample/nBlockingCollisions = DoiCellLength / sampleCellLength
That is, nBlockingSample
sampling/hydro cells equal nBlockingCollisions
collision cells. The default and simplest value for these blocking factors is 1.
Note that the size of the domain and the number of cells can be set independently along each Cartesian dimension. The code internally, however, treats all systems as three dimensional and each cell has a dx
, a dy
and a dz
. This way one can associate a 3D volume to 1D or 2D cells. This is useful when one wants to use number densities in 3D units (particles per unit volume) even though the setup is 1D or 2D. For example,
sampleCellLength = 0.5 0.5 0.5 ! This is always in 3D since it gives volume
nSampleCells(1:2) = 64 64 ! 2D grid of 64x64 cells
nBlockingCollision = 1 1 1 ! no difference between sampling and Doi cells
nBlockingSample = 1 1 1 ! no difference between sampling and Doi cells
creates a grid of 64^2 cells with volume 0.5^3.
There are several example input files in the directory Examples
, which are related to test problems studied in the paper describing the SRBD algorithm. For example, to run the reversible association model A+B<->C
in 2D, use
echo ABC-reversible-ACF-2D | ../DOI.exe
Remember that the code has to be recompiled each time you switch to a new reaction model or change the dimensionality! If you get an error that some array in the input file was of an unexpected size it probably means you need to recompile.