Fast algorithms for applying lubrication corrections to fluctuating suspensions of spherical particles above a bottom wall
In order to run the code, the SuiteSparse library must be installed on the system
In Ubuntu 18, this can be accomplished by running
sudo apt install libsuitesparse-dev
Additionally, the C++ libraries Boost
and Eigen
must be installed
Ensure that the verion of Boost is >= 1.64
In Ubuntu 18, these libraries can be installed by running, e.g.
sudo apt install libeigen3-dev
sudo apt install libboost1.67-all-dev
In addition, the following python packages must be installed via pip
pip install --user scipy
pip install --user pyamg
pip install --user scikit-sparse
To run the code, one needs to Make
the C++ helper code in the directory /Lubrication
To ensure the Makefile
functions properly,
Change lines
Lines 9 to 10 in eb60857
to reflect the location of Boost on your system, and change line
to relect the location of the Eigen Include
directory on your system.
If python3 is to be used, change to -lboost_python3 -lboost_numpy3
in line
To test the the C++ helper function run properly, simply run
after a sucessful make
in the /Lubrication
directory. If this code produces output,
then things are working as they should.