This project contains all polygon's academy tasks. It comes with two smart contracts, tests for the contracts, and scripst that deploys the contracts.
After cloning the repo, run:
yarn install
Then, Try running some of the following tasks:
yarn cmp // to compile the contracts
yarn test // to run the test scripts
yarn local // to run hardhat node locally
yarn dep:local // to deploy the loan contract on local node
yarn dep:mumbai // to deploy the loan contract on polygon mumbai testnet
yarn dep-media:local // to deploy the social-media contract on local node
yarn dep-media:mumbai // to deploy the social-media contract on polygon mumbai testnet
cd front-end
npm install
in the front-end folder, you can open up the loan-contract.ts and media-contract.ts files under src/blockchain folder and exchange the address class field with your deployed contract's addresses for the loan and social-media contracts respectively. Or, you can use the addresses assigned to then by default.
Next, still in the front-end folder, run:
npm start // to start-up frontend code