Mad4j (Method-Annotated Discord4J) is a library for creating discord bots using Java. It builds on top of an already existing library Discord4j and simplifies the developing process using an annotation-based system. It is also integrated using Java Spring for its convenient features. This library is aimed at creating both small- and large-scale discord bots.
Currently, the project is not yet available on mavencentral, so the jar package has to be manually downloaded from the package section in GitHub. Look for the -plain.jar version. Then, the package can be added to the project as follows:
For Gradle:
implementation files('path/to/file/mad4j-VERSION-plain.jar')
For Maven:
To be done
Since the library is based on Java Spring, it contains components that have to be included in your Spring context. There are two suggested ways to do this:
The first is to import the Mad4jConfig into a custom configuration component. This is the recommended way, as this way you have more control over the library. It is also easier to disable when testing needs to be done on other parts of the bot, such as testing JPA repositories.
import io.github.stelitop.mad4j.Mad4jConfig; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Import; @Import(Mad4jConfig.class) @Configuration public class CustomMad4jConfig { }
The second way is to directly import the Mad4jConfig to the main class of the Spring application. This is a bit simpler, but it might be problematic in bigger applications.
import io.github.stelitop.mad4j.Mad4jConfig; import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication; import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Import; @SpringBootApplication @Import(Mad4jConfig.class) public class DiscordBotApplication { public static void main(String[] args) {, args); } }
The other thing that needs to be configured is the discord client bean. A bean of type discord4j.core.GatewayDiscordClient must be declared that starts the discord bot. The simplest such configuration is as follows:
public class CustomMad4jConfig {
public GatewayDiscordClient gatewayDiscordClient() {
String tokenStr = "DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN";
return DiscordClientBuilder.create(tokenStr).build()
.setInitialPresence(ignore ->"Bot is online!")))
Being able to declare your own bean gives the developer more flexibility in how the bot can be set up, along with being able to tie some functionality to outside configurations.
Most features of mad4j can be accessed through the special Spring components @DiscordEventsComponent. Inside those components, you can create methods, that then use other mad4j annotations.
@SlashCommand methods represent global slash commands of the discord bot. When the application loads, all such methods are parsed and corresponding command signatures are created. The arguments of the method also use annotations to specify the parameters of the slash command. An example of a simple command is:
name = "add",
description = "Adds up two numbers"
) public Mono<Void> addTwoNumbersSlashCommand(
@InteractionEvent ChatInputInteractionEvent event,
@CommandParam(name = "x", description = "The first number.") long x,
@CommandParam(name = "y", description = "The second number.") long y,
) {
long sum = x + y;
return event.reply("Sum: " + sum);
To explain each annotation one by one:
- In the @SlashCommand annotation we give the metadata of the slash command, such as its name and description. The command name can be a space-separated list of words, e.g. "add numbers". In this case, a command group with sub-commands will be created. You can then add another command that starts with the first command name and it will be automatically added to the group, e.g. "add vectors".
- The @InteractionEvent injects the event that corresponds to the interaction type into the method. These are the event types that originate from Discord4j. In the case of slash commands, this is ChatInputInteractionEvent. To properly execute the slash command we must return the reply of the event. This is why this method returns an object of type Mono.
- The @CommandParam annotations are used for the different inputs of the slash command (if there are any). When a command is invoked, the values from Discord are automatically injected into the method. This annotation has many optional fields for special cases.
Using only regular Discord4j will usually be more tedious overall and might even require multiple files (provided you follow the recommended way). You can see an example here on how it's normally done.
To be done.
To be done.